"Inkscape 0.40cvs (Nov 1 2004)"
1. launch Inkscape 2. Shift+Alt+B -- the Trace dialog shows up -- 3. close that dialog 4. open any other Inkscape dialog (prefs, text, whatever)
Together with that other dialog, the Trace dialog also shows up.
I'll supply more details if you cannot reproduce it.
Arpad Biro
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"Inkscape 0.40cvs (Nov 1 2004)"
- launch Inkscape
- Shift+Alt+B
-- the Trace dialog shows up -- 3. close that dialog 4. open any other Inkscape dialog (prefs, text, whatever)
Together with that other dialog, the Trace dialog also shows up.
Confirmed on Win32 using the latest build from the Win32-snap dir on the inkscape website... (Inkscape0411011000)

Committed a temporary fix to prevent it from inadvertently appearing when the user has hidden it. It is insensitive to f12 itself, but responds when other dialogs receive it, and the user has not explicitly hidden it.
Kees Cook wrote:
On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 03:04:42PM -0800, Arpad Biro wrote:
Together with that other dialog, the Trace dialog also shows up.
Cofirmed, can you open a bug report for it? I suspect the "destroy" handler isn't looked up for the trace dialog.

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 19:09:25 -0600, Bob Jamison <rjamison@...357...> wrote:
Committed a temporary fix to prevent it from inadvertently appearing when the user has hidden it. It is insensitive to f12 itself, but responds when other dialogs receive it, and the user has not explicitly hidden it.
To clarify, this and a few other problems are caused that this is a gtkmm dialog while others are gtk. The old gtk dialogs have all this stuff coded and debugged long ago. New gtkmm ones (trace and align) are still rough and don't have all the amenities. Hopefully this will change before more dialogs are gtkmmified.

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 07:09:25PM -0600, Bob Jamison wrote:
Committed a temporary fix to prevent it from inadvertently appearing when the user has hidden it. It is insensitive to f12 itself, but responds when other dialogs receive it, and the user has not explicitly hidden it.
I haven't looked at Bob's fix. In case it is considered not properly fixed, a binary search shows that this was was introduced in v1.17 of src/dialogs/tracedialog.cpp. The 1.16--1.17 diff is fairly short. I'll leave to a gtk person to decide the right thing.
participants (6)
Arpad Biro
Bob Jamison
bulia byak
Joshua A. Andler
Kees Cook
Peter Moulder