Re: [Inkscape-devel] [Inkscape-user] Printing Documents

On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 02:44:01AM +0200, Jon jts wrote:
In my never ending search for a solution to my printing problem (printing custom sized documents) I can across the following:
Some folks in the know believe it is an Inkscape coding issue. Inkscape experts, please let us know what you think.
Yup, it's a coding issue. It looks like the code in question is in inkscape/src/extensions/internal/*.cpp .
Being able to print banners from Inkscape would be _very cool_. This could be a seriously killer feature.
I noticed on the Inkscape wiki site that there is/was a survey concerning printing from Inkscape. It appears that the question has arisen before.
Yes, that was a survey to see if there were people willing to fund development work. We came pretty close to having sufficient interest, and some people even pledged some money, but there just wasn't enough to make it viable.
PLEASE, Inkscape coders, if there is something you could do to help lost souls like me print their documents, look into this. I know I am not alone in this request (wiki question).
Thank you once again....
Actually, we could really use YOUR help to get this solved. You're probably thinking, "...but I can't code", but I think you could make a huge contribution here simply by helping locate a coder who can do the work.
Ideally, someone could be found that would be willing to do this work simply for fun and to help Inkscape; there may be students who would like to take on a coding challenge like this. A more brute force option would be to do some fund raising and then contract someone to do the work. Either way would probably work, esp. if you can help provide them with guidance and feedback as they go.
Does this sound like something you'd like to help with? I know this is probably a call of duty beyond what you expect, but it would be a great way to participate in the Inkscape project, facilitate making it more suitable to your needs, and make it that much better for everyone else as well.

On 9/12/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 02:44:01AM +0200, Jon jts wrote:
In my never ending search for a solution to my printing problem (printing custom sized documents) I can across the following:
Some folks in the know believe it is an Inkscape coding issue. Inkscape experts, please let us know what you think.
Maybe.. If you tried to print from Inkscape and Inkscape was the only program that didn't work I would agree, but that's not what I have understood from these printing threads
Jon, I understand that you have also tried to export the drawings to png and print them with The Gimp. That failed too?
And you have tried to export to postscript and print with gsview (you are on windows, right?). That failed too?
You have also talked about exporting to pdf and using Acrobat to print. That failed too?
I'm sorry, but to me it looks like a configuration issue on your side that needs to be solved first. (Ok, I will have to go back and read that link you posted later. Does it contain any news?)
My question now is: Do you have *any* applications that let you print to this custom sized paper? Can any of those applications print to file (ps or pdf)? Are you able to print those files correctly using ghostscript or acrobat? If you have a series of Yes, Yes, Yes; Id like to see one or two of those ps/pdf files. Maybe there is an Inkscape issue after all ;-)
Yup, it's a coding issue. It looks like the code in question is in inkscape/src/extensions/internal/*.cpp .
As far as I can tell the win32 printer routine does ask the Windows API for the physical size of the paper and should print to the full size. Are people able to use either A4 and letter, for instance, with the same printer? That would suggest that the printer routine does do things correclty. and if not, then we have a problem ;-)
I thought the main complaint with printing on Windows was the huge multi-megabyte bitmap (300 or 600 DPI) file it creates.

On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 10:06:06AM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
On 9/12/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 02:44:01AM +0200, Jon jts wrote:
In my never ending search for a solution to my printing problem (printing custom sized documents) I can across the following:
Hi Ulf,
I think basically what the requestor is asking for is some mechanism to overflow the document to multiple pages on the printer. In other words:
1. Create a new document 2. Set document size to 8.5" x 22" 3. Draw things all over the place 4. Print.
Ideally, the printer should spit out 2 pages with stuff printed on them. In reality (on my printer anyway), only a single page is printed.
While I know there's an official way to handle this via multipage SVG, it would be nice in the meantime, to have some (perhaps toggleable) way to make the printer overflow stuff.

Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 10:06:06AM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:
On 9/12/06, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 02:44:01AM +0200, Jon jts wrote:
In my never ending search for a solution to my printing problem (printing custom sized documents) I can across the following:
Hi Ulf,
I think basically what the requestor is asking for is some mechanism to overflow the document to multiple pages on the printer. In other words:
- Create a new document
- Set document size to 8.5" x 22"
- Draw things all over the place
- Print.
Ideally, the printer should spit out 2 pages with stuff printed on them. In reality (on my printer anyway), only a single page is printed.
While I know there's an official way to handle this via multipage SVG, it would be nice in the meantime, to have some (perhaps toggleable) way to make the printer overflow stuff.
We're talking about print tiling here. There are a few duplicate rfe's in the tracker for this already. The closest I've come to finding a solution to this problem is the Poster utility from KDE Print.
I've never actually tried it, but there is rumor of a win32 version available on the web.
If your real desire is not to spread pieces of your drawing around on standard paper, but print on larger paper, then you are going to have to read your printer manual. To my knowledge most printers only support certain minimum and certain maximum page sizes.
Aaron Spike

On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Bryce Harrington wrote:
I think basically what the requestor is asking for is some mechanism to overflow the document to multiple pages on the printer. In other words:
- Create a new document
- Set document size to 8.5" x 22"
- Draw things all over the place
- Print.
Ideally, the printer should spit out 2 pages with stuff printed on them. In reality (on my printer anyway), only a single page is printed.
While I know there's an official way to handle this via multipage SVG, it would be nice in the meantime, to have some (perhaps toggleable) way to make the printer overflow stuff.
Isn't multipage SVG about having more than one 'canvas' in a single SVG document? (I went looking but had difficulty finding out more information about multipage SVG and links pointing to nothing relevant as if might have been removed from current drafts.)
I was under the distinct impression that if for example you had an A3 page (corresponding to the svg viewbox or height width) it would still be the job of the printer to figure out how to print it on two A4 pages.

Bryce Harrington wrote:
I think basically what the requestor is asking for is some mechanism to overflow the document to multiple pages on the printer. In other words:
Hmm.. Are you sure? "I want to print custom sized documents (24 to 40 inches long x 8.5 "inches wide in either landscape or portriat) from Inkscape, using an "HP Deskjet printer and banner paper, but I can not get a continuous "print-out of the document. "Michael, I am trying to print banners approx. 24 to 40 inches long by "8.5 inches wide in either landscape or portrait orientation on "continous paper. I would like to get my document on continous paper so "that I don't have to cut and tape the thing together. "I am using an HP Deskjet 5650 printer. When I print my document (media "- thanks for letting me know), which is a custom size, I am limited by "the printer set-up page (HP assures me I can print banners with the "settings I list) choices: I select: letter paper (11x8.5), and for "paper choice, I select banner paper (I use the settings sent to me by "HP, and landscape. The results are the same, even though the paper "size is, lets say, 24 inches, only 11 inches prints (standard paper "size). There isn't a "print banner" box to check (only the banner paper "setting).
- Create a new document
- Set document size to 8.5" x 22"
- Draw things all over the place
- Print.
Ideally, the printer should spit out 2 pages with stuff printed on them. In reality (on my printer anyway), only a single page is printed.
While I know there's an official way to handle this via multipage SVG, it would be nice in the meantime, to have some (perhaps toggleable) way to make the printer overflow stuff.
If this is what is asked for then it is indeed something else than what I had understood..
participants (4)
Aaron Spike
Alan Horkan
Bryce Harrington
Ulf Erikson