Compiling with btool in Windows Vista
Hi Everyone,
I'm just in the process of trying to get involved with the development of inkscape, and I've spent the last few weeks trying to compile it by various methods. The btool method (as suggested here ), is the simplest way, and in the end, the only way I can see to compile inkscape in Windows (although I have tried several approaches).
Inkscape can be compiled no problem on a fresh install of Windows XP - I tried it on Virtual PC this morning. However, (and you may already be aware of this), it does not compile properly on Windows Vista, my main OS.
First, mingwenv.bat runs successfully, whether running in an administrator or normal console. But there's hitch on the next step.
The problem relates to g++ I think. If I do the step: "g++ buildtool.cpp -o btool", I get back the response "g++: _spawnvp: No such file or directory". It is possible to get past this step by compiling with btool with cygwin. However once you try and run btool.exe, you get the output printed below, which you may notice contains the killer line "i686-pc-mingw32-g++.exe: _spawnvp: No such file or directory". I think this must all be a problem with g++ in Vista.
I'm not sure how what the dev team can do, but I think the wiki should be updated at least.
Best Regards Joel Holdsworth
#################################################### # BuildTool v0.6, 2006 Bob Jamison #################################################### ######## PARSE : build.xml ######## PARSE COMPLETE ######## EXECUTE ## Target : init ---- task : mkdir : build ---- task : mkdir
: inkscape ---- task : copy : src/helper/sp-marshal.h.mingw to src/helper/sp-marshal.h ---- task : copy : src/helper/sp-marshal.cpp.mingw to src/helper/sp-marshal.cpp ---- task : makefile : inkscape_version.h ---- task : makefile
: config.h ## Target : compile ---- task : cc : regenerating C/C++ dependency cache : compile of build/obj/arc-context.o required by src/arc-context.cpp ============ cmd ============ i686-pc-mingw32-g++ -c -Wall -O3 -mms-bitfields -DVERSION="0.45.1" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DXP_WIN -D_INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -I. -Ic:/gtk210/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/glibmm-2.4
-Ic:/gtk210/lib/glibmm-2.4/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/gtkmm-2.4 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/gtkmm-2.4/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/gdkmm-2.4 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/gdkmm-2.4/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/pangomm-1.4
-Ic:/gtk210/include/atkmm-1.6 -Ic:/gtk210/include/cairomm-1.0 -Ic:/gtk210/include/sigc++-2.0 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/sigc++-2.0/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/gtk-2.0 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/gtk-2.0/include
-Ic:/gtk210/include/atk-1.0 -Ic:/gtk210/include/pango-1.0 -Ic:/gtk210/include/glib-2.0 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/glib-2.0/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/libxml2 -Ic:/gtk210/include/freetype2
-Ic:/gtk210/include/cairo -Wno-comment -Ic:/gtk210/perl/lib/CORE -Ic:/gtk210/python/include -Isrc -Isrc/application -Isrc/debug -Isrc/dialogs -Isrc/display -Isrc/dom -Isrc/dom/io -Isrc/dom/odf -Isrc/dom/svg -Isrc/dom/util -Isrc/extension -Isrc/extension/implementation
-Isrc/extension/internal -Isrc/extension/internal/libwpg -Isrc/extension/script -Isrc/graphlayout -Isrc/helper -Isrc/inkjar -Isrc/io -Isrc/jabber_whiteboard -Isrc/jabber_whiteboard/dialog -Isrc/libavoid -Isrc/libcola -Isrc/libcroco -Isrc/libnr -Isrc/libnrtype -Isrc/libvpsc -Isrc/libvpsc/pairingheap -Isrc/livarot -Isrc/pedro -Isrc/removeoverlap -Isrc/svg -Isrc/trace -Isrc/trace/potrace -Isrc/ui -Isrc/ui/dialog -Isrc/ui/view -Isrc/ui/widget -Isrc/util -Isrc/widgets -Isrc/xml
src/arc-context.cpp -o build/obj/arc-context.o ============================= i686-pc-mingw32-g++.exe: _spawnvp: No such file or directory Make error: exec of command
'i686-pc-mingw32-g++ -c -Wall -O3 -mms-bitfields -DV ERSION="0.45.1" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DXP_WIN -D_INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE -I. -Ic:/gtk2 10/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/glibmm-2.4 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/glibmm-2.4/include
-Ic :/gtk210/include/gtkmm-2.4 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/gtkmm-2.4/include -Ic:/gtk210/include /gdkmm-2.4 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/gdkmm-2.4/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/pangomm-1.4 -Ic :/gtk210/include/atkmm-1.6 -Ic:/gtk210/include/cairomm-1.0 -Ic:/gtk210/include/s igc++-2.0 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/sigc++-2.0/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/gtk-2.0 -Ic:/gt k210/lib/gtk-2.0/include -Ic:/gtk210/include/atk-1.0 -Ic:/gtk210/include/pango-1 .0 -Ic:/gtk210/include/glib-2.0 -Ic:/gtk210/lib/glib-2.0/include -Ic:/gtk210/inc lude/libxml2 -Ic:/gtk210/include/freetype2 -Ic:/gtk210/include/cairo -Wno-commen t -Ic:/gtk210/perl/lib/CORE -Ic:/gtk210/python/include -Isrc -Isrc/application -Isrc/debug -Isrc/dialogs -Isrc/display -Isrc/dom -Isrc/dom/io -Isrc/dom/odf -I src/dom/svg -Isrc/dom/util -Isrc/extension -Isrc/extension/implementation -Isrc/ extension/internal -Isrc/extension/internal/libwpg -Isrc/extension/script -Isrc/ graphlayout -Isrc/helper -Isrc/inkjar -Isrc/io -Isrc/jabber_whiteboard -Isrc/jab ber_whiteboard/dialog -Isrc/libavoid -Isrc/libcola -Isrc/libcroco -Isrc/libnr -I src/libnrtype -Isrc/libvpsc -Isrc/libvpsc/pairingheap -Isrc/livarot -Isrc/pedro -Isrc/removeoverlap -Isrc/svg -Isrc/trace -Isrc/trace/potrace -Isrc/ui -Isrc/ui/ dialog -Isrc/ui/view -Isrc/ui/widget -Isrc/util -Isrc/widgets -Isrc/xml src/arc- context.cpp -o build/obj/arc-context.o' failed : No such file or directory Make error: problem compiling:
participants (1)