Inkscape at the world gathering of the SVG community ?

Hello Inkscape developers,
I hereby invite you to SVG Open 2005, the international conference on Scalable Vector Graphics. At this event the SVG community from around the world gathers: the W3C SVG WorkGroup and people from very diverse backgrounds putting SVG to use, including implementors from most popular viewers and editors.
Obviously, as Inkscape is deservingly becoming more and more popular, it would be very interesting for the SVG community if Inkscape would take part. Preferably also actively taking part through presenting a paper, organizing a panel discussion or teaching a course or a workshop. For this proposals, being just short abstracts, should be in before March 1st.
I believe SVG Open will also bring a lot of useful input for Inkscape, both in getting to know about the latest SVG developments, useful ideas and other feedback, as also in growing its user, promotion and developer workforce. And of course getting to know about the latest SVG
All information is at
Hope to welcome you in August,
Ruud Steltenpool organisation SVG Open 2005
participants (1)
Ruud Steltenpool