[Fwd: [Clipart] [Fwd: EPS/SVG Kung Fu Master wanted]]

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From: Jon Phillips <jon@...158...> To: inkscape-devel <inkscape-devel@...6...>, Open Clip Art Library list <clipart@...626...> Subject: [Clipart] [Fwd: EPS/SVG Kung Fu Master wanted] Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:42:28 +0800
If anyone is interested in a for-pay gig, see below...eps/svg kung fu master preferred! Please contact david below directly and tell em rejon sent ya!
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From: David ten Have|Ponoko <david.tenhave@...1864...> To: jon@...158... Subject: EPS/SVG Kung Fu Master wanted Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 17:52:50 +1300
Michael Galpert forwarded me your email.
I am very keen to hook up with an EPS/SVG expert (that might be two different people) who is interested helping us out here at Ponoko. Initially it will be to answer some questions - but over time we will have an increasing need for development work and I would be keen to find some one who wants to be part of that.
On the CC front I would like to get more info on how we can increase the use of the CC licenses in our work. At this point we allow designers to share their design files under the CC licensing scheme - but I am keen to do a lot more work in this area.
David ten Have Chief Executive Officer +64 21 456 919
Ponoko – Make it Real ..........................................................................................................................................................................
Level 1 || 27 Dixon Street || Wellington || New Zealand || Phone +64 4 473 0031 || www.ponoko.com
participants (1)
Jon Phillips