Critical bugs and the Beta release plan
Hi all,
Beta was roughly planned for March, but it looks like more work is needed on bugs. Below is a review of where we're at and proposal for how to decide when we're ready for releasing beta (and after that, when we can enter Freeze).
There are two high importance bugs labeled "Blocker", #153 "Language selector doesn't work" and #45 "Text rendering offset". Fortunately, both are getting some attention, and Tav has potentially fixed the latter. I've assigned #45 to Tav, but we need someone to own #153. Marc, could you take it?
Blockers: * [Tav] * [Mc?]
There are several critical importance bugs. In gitlab is #35 "Crash on exit following menu rewrite" which several people are confirming; there is a backtrace but it needs some analysis work done to figure out what is happening. Can someone take assignment on that? In launchpad there is #1806878 "Master not working without GUI" and #1809676 "Crash on Undo, Cut Path, Divide path, etc." Tav has done some work on the first and has taken the assignment on it. The second has a good backtrace but needs someone to investigate. Who'd like to take a stab at it?
Criticals: * * [Tav] *
In addition to those, there are about a dozen more bugs targeted to 1.0. A couple of note are: #125 "Toolbar empty after startup", and #96 "Text object changes size". The first sounds like it needs Tav or Alex to give advice on, the other has a MR by Joseph Da Silva that sounds like it will fix it.
Milestone 1.0: *
For Beta, I propose we set as pre-requisites that all Blocker bugs must be closed, and all Critical bugs must be Assigned and listed as Known Issues in the release notes, before we initiate Chill and start work on the beta release process.
For Freeze, I propose we set as pre-requisites that all Blocker bugs are closed, that all Critical bugs targeted to 1.0 are closed, and that all other 1.0 Milestone bugs must be Assigned and listed as Known issues in the release notes.
After Freeze has started, if any new Blocker bugs crop up, then Freeze will be halted, any established release schedule is canceled, and the release put on indefinite hold until the Blocker has been cleared.
How do these rules sound?
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington