Please don't touch line-height property which I added to style.cpp. Reasons:
1. CSS2 says: "User agents must ignore a declaration with an unknown property." This means even if it is an invalid property, it will do no harm. It will just be ignored.
2. In SVG 1.1, line height is just given a fixed value equal to font-size. Our specifying a different value will have no effect whatsoever on compliant renderers.
3. SVG 1.2 indeed does not mention line-height for flowtext (as I wrote here some time ago). But it also proposes NO OTHER mechanism for controlling inter-line spacing. So I'm inclined to think that this is just an omission in the standard. If you're so worried by it, you can go to the W3C SVG list and raise this issue there. I'm reasonably sure that when made aware of the omission, the authors will reuse line-height as this is the most natural approach.
4. Without a way to control line spacing, flowtext is pretty much useless. So, if we cannot use line-height nor any other mechanism for that, I see no reason to continue working on flowtext. In other words, the choice we have is between completing the draft spec where it's most obviously incomplete, or just giving up and not having flowtext at all.
participants (1)
bulia byak