Well I think it is about time to work on flipping the coord system. I'm volunteering time. Could someone please volunteer a direction to proceed?
Aaron Spike

On 2/3/07, Aaron Spike <aaron@...749...> wrote:
Well I think it is about time to work on flipping the coord system. I'm volunteering time. Could someone please volunteer a direction to proceed?
I even tried a very quick fix once, but it turned the display on its head and I gave up, not having time to figure it out back then. Don't remember the details now but it should not be too difficult.
I think the fixes will be limited in scope, but it may be quite some time until we find ALL places that need to be fixed, and until then it will be quite a disturbance. So looks like it's a good candidate for doing it in a branch.

Aaron Spike wrote:
Well I think it is about time to work on flipping the coord system. I'm volunteering time. Could someone please volunteer a direction to proceed?
Well, this could be a good point of time to think about reengineering the coord system, because flipping the coord system is only one aspect of the more comfortable SVG coord system. The second one is that SVG coordinates are pointing to the middle of the lines. Currently inkscape shows the lower left point of the bounding rect of an object even if it is a simple line. This has many disadvantages: - it's incompatible with SVG coordinates - incompatible with inkscape grid: if I arrange my line (line width = 1) on the grid, I get coordinates like (-0.5,-0.5) instead of nice coordinates like (0,0). Well I have chosen "arrange nodes at grid" to be compatible with SVG. - if I change the line width, the coordinates of the line changes. This is unwanted in most cases.
Regards, Stefan

Stefan Endrullis wrote:
Aaron Spike wrote:
Well I think it is about time to work on flipping the coord system. I'm volunteering time. Could someone please volunteer a direction to proceed?
Well, this could be a good point of time to think about reengineering the coord system, because flipping the coord system is only one aspect of the more comfortable SVG coord system. The second one is that SVG coordinates are pointing to the middle of the lines. Currently inkscape shows the lower left point of the bounding rect of an object even if it is a simple line. This has many disadvantages:
- it's incompatible with SVG coordinates
- incompatible with inkscape grid: if I arrange my line (line width = 1) on the grid, I get coordinates like (-0.5,-0.5) instead of nice
coordinates like (0,0). Well I have chosen "arrange nodes at grid" to be compatible with SVG.
- if I change the line width, the coordinates of the line changes. This is unwanted in most cases.
Mental and I have already started a branch to deal with the second problem. :-)
Aaron Spike
participants (3)
Aaron Spike
bulia byak
Stefan Endrullis