In src/ui/widget/style-swatch.cpp we have this code:
if (op == 0) str = g_strdup_printf(_("0:%.3g"), op); else str = g_strdup_printf(_("0:.%d"), (int) (op*10));
The characters before the colons are zeroes. Is this intentional?
Also, there are conflicting mnemonics:
File menu: _Document Properties _Document Metadata
Layer menu: _Layers _Lower Layer
Arpad Biro
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Thanks, all fixed!
On 5/28/06, Arpad Biro <biro_arpad@...36...> wrote:
In src/ui/widget/style-swatch.cpp we have this code:
if (op == 0) str = g_strdup_printf(_("0:%.3g"), op); else str = g_strdup_printf(_("0:.%d"), (int) (op*10));
The characters before the colons are zeroes. Is this intentional?
Also, there are conflicting mnemonics:
File menu: _Document Properties _Document Metadata
Layer menu: _Layers _Lower Layer
participants (2)
Arpad Biro
bulia byak