This is a follow-up to a post made back in January regarding Inkscape's presence on DeviantArt (DA)...
Over time, more and more artwork is being submitted to DA that was created using Inkscape. Since we had initially started the "Inkscape" group/account on DA, we quickly realized that there are two groups of people that have exclusive needs to be met. 1) The DA Inkscape artists needed a hub to share work, talk inkscape, have friendly competitions, etc. & 2) The developers and new users of Inkscape need a place to view/show a gallery of quality images made in Inkscape by the DA community.
The problem with having one account is that it DA has policies such as restricting the use of favorites from members of a group, which given the mutually restrictive needs (due to their policies), we needed a separation of interests. So... onto the announcement.
http://inkscapers.deviantart.com/ is now *the* place for all DA Artists that are Inkscapers to gather for all of the fun. We currently are in need of an Avatar, DevID, and website button... which is where the first contest comes into play... all the details can be found at http://inkscapers.deviantart.com/journal/4986039/.
http://inkscape.deviantart.com/ is now for official use by the Inkscape project for a showcase of work from the community as well as for official announcements and such. Feel free to drop by there to see art done by fellow inkscapers in the favorites (http://inkscape.deviantart.com/favourites/).
If you have previously watched the "inkscape" account, there's no need to stop watching as you'll get announcements about new releases through it. But, you will definitely want to watch "inkscapers" (http://inkscapers.deviantart.com/) to become a part of the DA Inkscape community and to join in on the fun.
Happy Inkscaping and Draw Freely! -Josh/ScislaC-
participants (1)
Joshua A. Andler