Wow, thanks a ton! I'll use your Makefile to help myself learn how the work better, so that hopefully I'll be able to keep it updated myself in the future.
Running "make dist" currently produces an error though:
# Copy in all dist and package files to both /bin/install -c -m 644 AUTHORS ChangeLog DESIGN COPYING clipartbrowser.conf packages/clipartbrowser- /bin/install -c -m 755 clipartbrowser clipartbrowser.inx packages/clipartbrowser- /bin/install: will not overwrite just-created `packages/clipartbrowser-/' with `' make: *** [distprep] Error 1 should check out the Makefile to see how to add files to it,
etc. Also, make sure to update the new ChangeLog with any changes before committing. Also, you might want to scan through the README to update that for users. It seems quite old.
README updated.
Ok, I spent a couple of hours just trying to get this thing already to
release. I think that many ppl. will be interested in a global release of this project, as there is now interest from KDE devs and it makes OCAL even more accessible.
Thanks a ton; I'm thrilled to hear that. I'm going to slightly refactor the code to make it easier to use a QT or GTK interface, so that I can release a QT version too.
participants (1)
Greg Steffensen