[cairo] The Great API Shakeup (fwd)

This last weekend, several cairo developers happened to be in the same physical room, (as part of XDevConf[*]).
We took advantage of the opportunity and had a very productive meeting last night in which we tried to discuss as many open API issues as possible.
The following people were involved in this ad-hoc meeting:
Kristian Høgsberg, David Reveman, Keith Packard, Owen Taylor, Carl Worth
The meeting was also attended by Jim Gettys and Bdale Garbee, without whose support we could not have been productive.
Kristian took some good notes on the discussion last night, which we'll be cleaning up and sending out as a bunch of separate proposals to the list. Hopefully this stream of little proposals will be easier to digest than one giant summary of the meeting. And, this way any sub-discussions that spin off should be easier to manage.
We'll include "API Shakeup" in each of the proposals, and we'll try to tie them into existing open threads as appropriate. Each mini-proposal will be followed up with a patch proposal to implement the change, (and each patch must include documentation).
Then, of course, once any new discussion settles down, we can start committing all of this stuff. The scope of the changes means that all existing cairo-using code will have to be updated, (eg. we have a proposal that changes cairo_create). So, the breakage will be a bit painful. But hopefully, the work needed to bring forward any single piece of code will actually be quite minor.
As this process wraps up, we'll pull together a single-source guide on what people need to do to get their code updated.
Anyway, this should be a lot of fun. And we should have an easier-to-use, and less warty API when we're done.
If anyone has pet peeves regarding API issues in cairo, this will be the time to bring them up, because we won't want to go through many more break-every-application changes again for quite some time.
[*] X Developers' Conference http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/XDevConf
_______________________________________________ cairo mailing list cairo@...278... http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/cairo

On Tuesday 15 February 2005 22:21, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hi Bryce
Would you mind forwarding this information to the Scribus dev team too please?
We have a Cairo version which luckily for us, Franz ported our 1.3 dev version to in one weekend, so any API changes will be of great interest to us.
thanks Craig Scribus Team

On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 16:38, Craig Bradney wrote:
We have a Cairo version which luckily for us, Franz ported our 1.3 dev version to in one weekend, so any API changes will be of great interest to us.
I'd strongly recommend you folks put someone on the cairo mailing list as an interface, since feedback from a project like Scribus that is actively using cairo will be helpful to them.

Carl will be speaking at linux.conf.au in april about cairo & making graphics easy to print... I cant wait
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 13:21:23 -0800 (PST), Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1...> wrote:
This last weekend, several cairo developers happened to be in the same physical room, (as part of XDevConf[*]).
We took advantage of the opportunity and had a very productive meeting last night in which we tried to discuss as many open API issues as possible.
The following people were involved in this ad-hoc meeting:
Kristian Høgsberg, David Reveman, Keith Packard, Owen Taylor, Carl Worth
The meeting was also attended by Jim Gettys and Bdale Garbee, without whose support we could not have been productive.
Kristian took some good notes on the discussion last night, which we'll be cleaning up and sending out as a bunch of separate proposals to the list. Hopefully this stream of little proposals will be easier to digest than one giant summary of the meeting. And, this way any sub-discussions that spin off should be easier to manage.
We'll include "API Shakeup" in each of the proposals, and we'll try to tie them into existing open threads as appropriate. Each mini-proposal will be followed up with a patch proposal to implement the change, (and each patch must include documentation).
Then, of course, once any new discussion settles down, we can start committing all of this stuff. The scope of the changes means that all existing cairo-using code will have to be updated, (eg. we have a proposal that changes cairo_create). So, the breakage will be a bit painful. But hopefully, the work needed to bring forward any single piece of code will actually be quite minor.
As this process wraps up, we'll pull together a single-source guide on what people need to do to get their code updated.
Anyway, this should be a lot of fun. And we should have an easier-to-use, and less warty API when we're done.
If anyone has pet peeves regarding API issues in cairo, this will be the time to bring them up, because we won't want to go through many more break-every-application changes again for quite some time.
[*] X Developers' Conference http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/XDevConf
cairo mailing list cairo@...278... http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/cairo

Franz is a god. bugs closed in a night. huge codebase changes in a weekend... thats insane
participants (4)
Andy Fitzsimon
Bryce Harrington
Craig Bradney