Hey All,
With the About Screen Contest for 0.47 underway, one of the easiest things we all can do to help is to spread the word via social networking means. Whether it be blogging, tweeting (or RTs), posting on forums, you name it... the more of us that talk about, the more attention it will get.
This contest PR effort could prove to be a good test of some of the needed PR mechanisms to make the announcement of 0.47 (when it is released) as loud, far reaching, and relevant as possible.
So, again... the announcement which needs to be shown love (digg style button, yes it requires registration like digg) is here: http://news.deviantart.com/article/79268/
The more people that show the article love, the more people it will end up attracting the attention of on DA (which is important since it is the largest online art community/potential userbase). Want to help get us new users? This alone is one of the most effective methods. Note, even if you're not interested in signing up at DA to show love, you should still spread the word. :)
Cheers, Josh
P.S. Yes, I will put out a similar call to action when we're looking to do the PR push for the 0.47 release. Consider this our test run. :)
participants (1)
Joshua A. Andler