It allows you to jump to the next control when inside a text entry field (instead of inserting a tab). Not sure if that's all but I think so. That's a pretty important accessibility feature, so we'd have to somehow make sure that it wouldn't switch documents when the focus is on a control that can't be left with regular tab. Which should be mainly the text tool (while inserting text) and some dialogs.
I just tested - Ctrl-Tab works in dialogs as before, it cycles through any widgets, not only text fields (just like Tab). As for on-canvas text, it did not have a ctrl-tab keybinding before and I don't think it needs to have it now; when on canvas, ctrl-tab should always switch documents for consistency. We do need, however, some key combination in the text tool to jump from one text object to the next and back, but it must not be Tab or Ctrl-Tab. Any suggections?
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Just tested zoom on this build 20030102 and it seems to work fine up to current limits (25600%) for both text and drawings. Looks like the zoom problem is fixed. Great work, that really makes a difference to my use of Inkscape.
One item that still needs fixing is the zoom window width. Currently five figures is OK but the window is too small when the zoom level needs six figures. For example 1600% is OK but 25600% obscures the % sign.

This may already have come up, but if so, I have not seen it.
As I am getting more familiar with Inkscape I am customising my "preferences.xml" file so as to have things like my own nudge distance factor, tool fill colours etc. I am still keeping the customised file with the same name. However, each new Win32 build puts in a new "preferences.xml" file with each installation. This is great too but it over rides my customised one!. I can easily rename the customised file of course but what I would like is a facility in Inkscape to choose my customised file after startup.
Is this already built in? Would it be hard to do?
As I can see myself doing a lot of customisation it is going to be a real pain as time goes on. Since others must be customising this file I would not be surprised if the solution is staring me in the face. If so please tell.
participants (2)
bulia byak