Hello Inkscape Developers

I thought I'd finally send out a word or two and introduce myself. My name is Peter, I'm a second-year computer-science student at the Royal Institute of Technology here in Sweden. I've been programming casually for a few years before school, but most things I've done have either been simple or been abandoned. Though as a last-year project for high school, I made a simple fast Guitar-Hero clone in C. I'm also currently working on a game with a friend, which is slowly coming together.
I'm making a proposal with Google Summer of Code to create a new New-From-Template dialog. I think Inkscape has a good interface, and it's one that I'd definitely want to help improve. Without previous experience with the code base, it's also a project that I find feasible to finish. A template menu, I think, is a good thing, so it's a part that I'd want to keep. I just think it needs to become structured into categories as well. So if you just need a static template for a CD, you can go to New.. -> Covers -> CD.
In case this proposal gets accepted, I'd want to regularly provide something for feedback, either from this list or a mentor, wherever suitable. I think the interface is important, so this needs to be something that everyone would find easy to use. Also, I'm very interested any ideas you may have. (:
Best to mention: I submitted a patch that resolves the following wishlist ticket: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/43730
This patch reports export results to the main window status bar. To have it report properly, I had to change sp_export_png_file's return type, as suggested, to an enum. It now returns EXPORT_OK, for a successful export, EXPORT_ERROR=0 for an error, and EXPORT_ABORTED for a canceled overwrite. I think it's a good change, because it makes this dialog more verbose. I hope you agree. Existing code checks for a false value, if(! sp_export_png_file...), which still works, same as before.
I'd be happy to answer any and all questions you might have!
Best regards - Peter Boström
participants (1)
Peter Boström