Re: What should 'zoom to content do? (was Re: [Inkscape-devel] zooming bug)
On 15 oct. 05, at 21:01, Ben Fowler wrote:
I am assuming that you meant to post to the list.
yes sorry about that. inkscape's list should really have a "reply to" address set up if this is possible.
On 10/15/05, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
If this is a good solution for a newly opened/finished file (which should not have things outside the page in order to print correctly), I think this might be annoying when editing the file. For example, I very often put some objects outside the page while I edit the rest. I might zoom into the page on a small selection and then zooming out to content, including what is outside the page is a very efficient way of finding back all my objects. otherwise it is often a pain to look for it outside, or to zoom out manually, find them, move them, zoom back in...
Terminology: Outside the page | Off the page | On the pasteboard
If you have a small selection already made, 'Zoom to content' (I would call it 'Fit All') is not the same as 'Fit selection'. I would suggest that 'Zoom to content' always sets the zoom to fit all objects. I am sorry if I implied otherwise.
Ok I think I misunderstood you. Just to be clear what you propose is in fact: - zoom to page: zooms to the page ;-) - zoom to content: zooms to fit ALL visible objects - zoom to selection: zooms to the selection unless selection is larger than the page, in this case zoom to the page. is that it? in this case: "why not", but my opinion is that if there are real issues in the file, they should provoke some strange behavior in order to be corrected.
Also, I suspect that what you are looking for is a zoom between the 'User state' (showing a small part of your drawing, possibly defined by a selection of one or a small number of objects) and the 'Standard state' (showing all). I think that the key to this is to have an easy way of switching between these states.
In this case I think you might have misunderstood me. I'm sorry if I was not clear by english is not my main language. There are two things: - what I though you suggested before. I though you suggested that zoom to content should not zoom out of the page. to which I replied that IMHO current behavior (zooming to all, even off the page) was useful to quickly visualize all objects during the editing process. - the problem with the file with the insane bbox. this problem was revealed by the complete zoom out. in this case the zoom issue was in fact just _revealing_ some other problem: the fact that apparently Make bitmap copy produced an object with a wrong bbox. so in this case the problem does not come from the zoom but from "Make a bitmap copy". So in fact I am quite happy with current behavior of the zoom tool ;-)
I don't think that we can guarantee perfect or even satisfactory results when working with insane files, but I do think that the Interface should not be surprising.
What is the least surprising behaviour here?
I am proposing that when you make a selection, including 'Select All' and then 'Fit Selection' you should see the boundary selection handles just inside your workarea.
I am suggesting that the meat of your report was that when you expected the zoom to be 66% and many objects visible, you observed the zoom to be 1% and the objects to be the canvas equivalent as screwed up into a tiny ball.
It is your bug, not mine and you are free to correct me.
concerning the reaction facing this bug, please see my answer to the other thread.
thank you for taking care of this issue as you did from the beginning.
JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. ---
On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, jiho wrote:
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 00:15:09 +0200 From: jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> To: inkscape Subject: Re: What should 'zoom to content do? (was Re: [Inkscape-devel] zooming bug)
On 15 oct. 05, at 21:01, Ben Fowler wrote:
I am assuming that you meant to post to the list.
yes sorry about that. inkscape's list should really have a "reply to" address set up if this is possible.
This has been brought up several times and is unlikely to be changed. See the archives for more details as it has been discussed at lenght several times before. I suppose I should add something to the FAQ in the Wiki. If you are interested enough to find the old posts and read up on the discussion it would be a help of you could post them again.
- Alan
participants (2)
Alan Horkan