Howdy, The build instructions for Win32 developers ( point to a zip file with a self-contained Mingw installation:
<blockquote> *Note: Temporarily, I suggest that people use the preassembled Mingw working directory that we have assembled here It has the important pieces set up to compile the way we need them. Unzip it to c:\mingw.* </blockquote>
This is great, except that the installation is missing some files. When I tried to build Inkscape on a fresh copy of Windows XP with this package, I encountered several build errors. To solve the problem, I unpacked the following official Mingw packages on top of the broken Inkscape-provided installation:
gcc-core-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz gcc-g++-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz mingw-runtime-3.9.tar.gz w32api-3.5.tar.gz
This fixed the issues. Now that my Mingw install works, I've packed it up into an archive and placed it at It would be great if someone with access to the server could replace the existing Mingw package with this one. The current URL is just my temporary file-transfer space, so the file needs to move to a more permananet home before linking to it.
William Swanson wrote:
Howdy, The build instructions for Win32 developers ( point to a zip file with a self-contained Mingw installation:
<blockquote> /Note: Temporarily, I suggest that people use the preassembled Mingw working directory that we have assembled here <>. It has the important pieces set up to compile the way we need them. Unzip it to c:\mingw. / </blockquote>
This is great, except that the installation is missing some files. When I tried to build Inkscape on a fresh copy of Windows XP with this package, I encountered several build errors. To solve the problem, I unpacked the following official Mingw packages on top of the broken Inkscape-provided installation:
gcc-core-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz gcc-g++-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz mingw-runtime-3.9.tar.gz w32api-3.5.tar.gz
This fixed the issues. Now that my Mingw install works, I've packed it up into an archive and placed it at . It would be great if someone with access to the server could replace the existing Mingw package with this one. The current URL is just my temporary file-transfer space, so the file needs to move to a more permananet home before linking to it.
I downloaded this, and thanks. But I don't know why you were having problems. Do you maybe have a listing of the compile error? We have been using that zip bundle of mingw for months now.
Actually, we cannot replace the bundle with gcc-3.4.2, because what is in the bundle is gcc-3.4.4, which is the same as the version of the Linux cross-compiler. And since we use the cross-compiler for building the C++ components of the libraries (Gtkmm, Sigc++, etc), they need to match, else there are link problems. If fact, there is a Gtkmm class that only compiles well on the latest mingw-g++'s.
I suspect that your problem was the same as we had months ago, and to which we found the fix on the Mingw maillist. Versions of g++ after 3.0 have subtle differences in the stdc++ library, both in the cpp and the .h files. Basically, you cannot have multiple versions of these on your computer at the same time, or there will be missing symbols, incorrect typedefs, and things of that sort. So basically you need to erase one before installing another. (I mean on win32. Unix just has a directory for each version). And over-installing doesn't work, as the files do not map one-to-one. And of course mingw and cygwin can't both be on the PATH at the same time, either. If I had not seen the problem explained on the web, I would -never- have figured it out.
If you visit the IRC/Jabber channel during the day, it is likely that there will be one or more of us win32 guys there to help out if needed.
Thanks again. We win32-builders are the few, poor stepchildren and we need all the help we can get! ;-)
bob (ishmal)
participants (2)
Bob Jamison
William Swanson