I have a few questions about some of the translatable strings in the Inkscape sources:
"Ratio of tip and base radii of points" (src/toolbox.cpp)
What's "base radius" and "tip radius"? Does "point" mean "corner" here?
"You cannot group objects from different groups or layers." (src/selection-chemistry.cpp) "You cannot raise/lower objects from different groups or layers." (src/selection-chemistry.cpp) "You cannot combine objects from different groups or layers." (src/path-chemistry.cpp)
First of all, what do you mean by "layer"?
Taking a look at the sources it seems that what we really mean by these 3 strings is something like "objects with different parents". Probably these strings could be worded a bit better.
You can't raise a grouped item (without raising the rest of the group), but you can raise the whole group, right? The "raise" string talks about "different groups", which does not apply to this case. This string needs rewording the most (of the 3 above).
If you select a grouped item with Ctrl, you can't group it together with an ungrouped item, but you can group the group itself with that ungrouped item (right?). IMHO this shows that the other 2 strings could also be worded better. Of course this depends on what you call a "layer".
Arpad Biro
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Arpad Biro