[Inkscape-board] Inkscape Board Meeting ~ Friday Jul 7th

== Board Meeting ==
This Friday July 7th will be the next monthly board meeting, at noon Pacific in #inkscape-devel as usual. All members of the community are welcome to participate.
Agenda: + Paris 2017 Hackfest report + Merchandise sales status update + Other business
Action items from last meeting are below.
----- Forwarded message from Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> -----
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2017 00:01:01 -0700 From: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> To: inkscape-board@...6... Cc: inkscape-devel@...6... Subject: [Inkscape-board] Board Meeting Minutes ~ 2017-05-03 Reply-To: inkscape-devel@...6...
== Meeting Minutes for 2017-05-03 ==
I don't usually prepare meeting minutes, but there was a ton of discussion with a lot of follow ups and action items, so figure it could use some additional visibility.
Summary of Action Items: + ACTION: Need to sharpen pencil on budget to see where we're at exactly. [bryce] + ACTION: Draft https://inkscape.org/en/support-us/hackfest-2017/ [Tavmjong] + ACTION: Make a news item for the hackfest fundraiser [Tavmjong, doctormon] + ACTION: Advertise hackfest fundraiser on twitter [Mc, Tavmjong] + ACTION: Advertise hackfest fundraiser on facebook [Tavmjong or designee] + ACTION: Advertise hackfest fundraiser on G+ [Tavmjong or designee] + ACTION: Advertise hackfest fundraiser on Instagram [Rob-Sterbal, Tavmjong] + ACTION: Investigate stickers & pricing for hackfest [jabiertxof] + ACTION: Decide GUADEC attendance [Alex] + ACTION: Propose donation "add-on" for Win10 store to inkscape-devel@ [Mc] + ACTION: Jot signed-mug raffle idea down on Fundraising_Ideas page [CRogers] + ACTION: Test the message patch from ML [tedg] + ACTION: Announce plan for gitlab migration [tedg] + ACTION: Discuss scripting ideas for bug migration [Mc, doctormon] + ACTION: Re-raise topic of bugtracker migration at a future time [Mc] + ACTION: Help Mc kickoff funded devel of a feature [bryce] + ACTION: Propose a batch t-shirt run (e.g. for hackfest) [tedg] + ACTION: Re-contact Mihaela to finish starting up Spreadshirt [doctormon, bryce] + ACTION: Experiment with first-call / last-call dates on board votes [bryce] + ACTION: Check on board member voting [bryce]
Full log: https://inkscape.org/en/paste/11064/
=== Paris Hackfest ===
* 5 devs + interest from a few others * Note that Conservancy has clarified travel reimbursement documentation + Process hasn't changed but it's explained better. + Hackfest travelers should doublecheck * Future hackfests may be short on cash + We have $8000 budgeted for hackfests currently + The 2017 hackfest allocates $13,000 expenses - Most people won't use their full allocation - Some people won't be able to attend - So actual expense should be far less than the allocation + ACTION: Need to sharpen pencil on budget to see where we're at exactly. [Bryce] * Should use this as opportunity to do fundraising for further hackfests + ACTION: Draft https://inkscape.org/en/support-us/hackfest-2017/ [Tavmjong] + ACTION: Make a news item for the hackfest fundraiser [Tavmjong, doctormon] + ACTION: Advertise hackfest fundraiser on twitter [Mc, Tavmjong] + ACTION: Advertise hackfest fundraiser on facebook [Tavmjong or designee] + ACTION: Advertise hackfest fundraiser on G+ [Tavmjong or designee] + ACTION: Advertise hackfest fundraiser on Instagram [Rob-Sterbal, Tavmjong] * Should we plan a community "open day" at the Hackfest? + Sticker give-aways to visitors of the event (if any) + Stacks to distribute to regular attendees to give out at other events + If it's done, designate a single day for visitors, to avoid distraction, and make sure to advertise the fact prominently + Purpose of hackfest is not community outreach, so perhaps should be left for a separate event. * The SFC-produced stickers might not get done in time for the hackfest, but the designs could be used for locally printed ones + Ryan Gorley recommends https://www.uprinting.com/vinyl-sticker-printing.html + Shoot for 20 per attendee, ~200 total + ACTION: Investigate stickers & pricing for hackfest [jabiertxof] * Virtual attendance (e.g. livestream, google hangouts, etc.) + If someone sets it up, post explanation on how to get set up
=== GUADEC - Gtk3 ===
* Coming up end of July in Manchester * Last year they said they could help us with Gtk3 stuff. * Would be worthwhile if Alex could go, pertaining Gtk3 + tghs (Mac gtk3) is in Leeds so can make it for attendance * ACTION: Decide GUADEC attendance [Alex]
=== Sticker Printing by Conservancy ===
* Stickers are designed from the about screen entrants. Artists were asked if they would be open to having their work printed on stickers. + https://inkscape.org/en/~doctormo/%E2%98%85stickers-2017-draw-freely + https://inkscape.org/en/~doctormo/%E2%98%85stickers-2017-landscape-inkscape * Designs were sent to SFC with a $100 budget (vote approved by board) + Waiting on Brett to get back to us on it
=== Funded Projects ===
* Various funded feature development ideas were floated during the meeting: + 1% zoom limit (chr[]) + hidpi support (Windows users want this particularly) + gtk3 migration may give a native-looking ui for mac os, and many people would pay for that * Various fundraising ideas were floated during the meeting: + Kickstarter fundraising based on feature sets that people ask for all the time has worked very well for Krita - krita succeeds well at advertizing becaue they work with awesome artists to promote them - They also deliver things that artists ask for as their primary goal. + Donation dummy "add-on" to Inkscape on the Windows store - ACTION: Propose donation "add-on" for Win10 store to inkscape-devel@ [Mc] + Raffle for an inkscape mug and/or t-shirt signed by hackfest devs - ACTION: Jot signed-mug raffle idea down on Fundraising_Ideas page [CRogers] + More ideas are being captured at: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Fundraising_Ideas
=== Gitlab Migration ===
* General desire is to get it achieved prior to the hackfest + The hackfest would be a good opportunity to f2f through the various followup work-items. + But should target getting it done a couple weeks prior, else major issues could be disruptive of the event. + So need to target getting it done in the next week or so. + Followup-workitems for post-migration: - Automating builds - Fix cmake bzr-isms - Update builds for windows - Update builds for mac - Fix jenkins - Rewriting inkscape.org to re-document git instead of bzr * Ted has done some dry runs. The 0.44 branches generate import errors, but everything else looks happy. + Ted wants ~24hr downtime to deal with migration issues, so need to disable commits for that interim. + ACTION: Test the message patch from ML [tedg] + ACTION: Announce plan for gitlab migration [tedg] * plan -- send notice to the list (today?), then 24hr later change ownership of inkscape.dev's branches or otherwise configure them so they can't be committed to, run the migration script, do any cleanup, and if all's well we reopen on gitlab 24 hr after that + Branches owned by individuals may need separate attention. People can continue hosting branches in LP for now, but we might revisit this later (esp. if/when we wish to close out the Inkscape LP project.) With gitlab, user branches are kept more separate (e.g. as forks) but we can import broadly and prune later. + Do the migration mid-week, as people seem to use W-E's for devel * Bug reporting will remain with Launchpad for now. + Launchpad's spam problem has been growing... + Existing bzr revno references from bug reports will continue to work, but going forward these will need to start referencing to git SHA's at gitlab. For now we won't have the easy shortcuts from bug reports to commits (or vice versa). + Non-trivial to import bugs to gitlab.com -- it doesn't permit setting the bug owners/commenters for one thing. - might be doable if we ran our own gitlab instance. - Maybe be acceptable of old bugs/comments are just left owned by inkscape.dev? + ACTION: Discuss scripting ideas for bug migration [Mc, DoctorMo] + ACTION: Re-raise topic of bugtracker migration at a future time [Mc]
=== Infrastructure backup/alternate hosting ===
* This effort is in early discussion/planning stage. Bryce and Martin have been working on it behind the scenes but now ready for some wider input and thinking. * Rationale for investigating alternatives: 1. Capacity has been a bit limited with OSUOSL; we've banged our head on this a few times now. 2. Responsiveness to IT requests has also been pretty slow. Two infrastructure moves have had to be scuttled/replanned due to this. 3. Outages occur periodically (generally due to #1 or #2 but sometimes unrelated). * Goal is having a primary host, with a second independent host we can bring up as cold failover in emergencies. + Geographically separated, e.g. Europe + Canada/US + Backup host would be kept simple - a mirror of the primary that can be manually switched on as needed. + Even if we stick with OSUOSL we still should have another host, just for best practices in case of failures. * Current hosting has been 100% sponsor supported. We have budget to pay for IT support but obviously would prefer sponsor support here. + We're not yet ready to start contacting or engaging, but close
=== Funded development project management system ==
* Bryce still plugging away at it * Manual funding of feature development also possibility + This would mainly involve recruiting and vetting developers to take on one of the already defined and funded projects + Also need to track devel progress and completion, and coordinate payment (via Conservancy) + Similar to GSoC but less teaching, and shorter durations + ACTION: Help Mc kickoff funded devel of a feature [Bryce]
=== Merchandise Sales ===
* Temporary-run batch T-Shirt sales + "Must pass this line, limited sale" + Could just use existing logo + Need to identify a good quality t-shirt supplier (Cotton Bureau?) https://cottonbureau.com/submit-a-design + ACTION: Propose a batch t-shirt run (e.g. for hackfest) [tedg] * Spreadshirt + On hold, no changes to report + Probably time to pick a kickoff date and run with what we have + ACTION: Re-contact Mihaela to finish starting up Spreadshirt [doctormon, bryce] * If anyone wants to take lead on setting up other merchandising options, contact bryce. We're pretty open to ideas, just need someone to make arrangements and set up the order/shop/etc.
=== GSoC ===
* Just started this week, first evaluation in a month * There will be an additional $500 per student for travel costs. + Does the board need to be involved in arranging or approving the expenditures? Probably, since it'll go through conservancy... + We'll wait until the issue comes up; board can do a quick enough vote on it. Contact bryce when you have specifics.
=== How's the Board Doing? ===
* More efficient voting + Need quicker turnaround + Not all board members are placing votes + ACTION: Experiment with first-call / last-call dates on board votes [bryce] + ACTION: Check on board member voting [bryce] * Automation of board work + Need tool to upload text files to the website's pastebin (I.e. to send IRC log snippets of board meetings, w/ metadata)
=== Other Business ===
=== Next Meeting ===
Same time & place, July 7th, 2017.
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participants (1)
Bryce Harrington