Inkscape Summer of Code 2006 - Mentor signup

Hi all,
The next step for us is to get mentors registered. If you are willing to serve as a mentor, please go to the following link to sign up.
This lets you specify T-shirt size and other such important info. ;-)
Thanks, Bryce
----- Forwarded message from Leslie Hawthorn <lhawthorn@...819...> -----
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 18:01:06 -0700 From: Leslie Hawthorn <lhawthorn@...819...> To: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> Reply-To: lhawthorn@...819... Subject: Re: Invitation to Participate in Summer of Code 2006
Bryce Harrington wrote:
Hi Leslie,
My Google account is 'bryceharrington', and we would be honored to participate in the 2006 Summer of Code. :-)
Hi Bryce,
We've enabled your access for the SoC site using bryceharrington@...400... for your Google Account information. Please take a moment to update your personal information and your organization's information at; you can login subsequently at If you already have project ideas available to publish, that's great; if not, you can update them later.
We've left the mentor sign up URL off the main SoC page to discourage spam mentor applications, so please let your fellow mentors know that they can sign up at As the organization's administrator, you will need to accept each mentor application and decide which mentors to grant administrator status to. Once your mentors are signed up they can use to interact with student applications once they start to arrive.
You'll also be invited to join the Summer Administrators 2006 Google Group; we'll invite your fellow mentors to the group periodically once they sign up with your organization.
Cheers, LH
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington