I challenge other people on the list to stir up 5 more extension ideas of your own and post them, then we can take them and add to the wiki (but hopefully we will inspire development of them by doing this)...
I'll see if I can get 5 :-)
Michael-1) I'm imagining this as an imagemagick extension, so I'll put these together. I'd like an export that will let me specify a bg color for the png, or let me export to bmp, jpg or anything else imagemagick supports.
Michael-2) Word-Art extension that takes whatever text (or object) is selected and projects it to be 3d, on a curve, zooming into the background etc. like the Word-Art in MS Word.
Michael-3) Decorative border adder Around all the paths on an object, apply the selected border type. For example, if the user chose a triangle border, nodes would be added to the path and spaces such the edge has a saw-tooth look when it's done. User could also select curvy or square edges. (eg. http://stuporglue.org/downloads/edger.png)
Michael-4) Color Scheme palette generator. Generate a web color palette with complimenting and contrasting colors based on the currently chosen color. Similar to how this page does: http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html
Michael-5) Export all groups as pngs. Choose an output directory, and every top level object would get output as a png to that directory. By top level object, I mean a single object if it's not in a group, or a group of objects, but not entering into groups to export their individual components.
-- Michael Moore ------------------------- Creative photography for any occasion http://elementsbycaroline.com Full quality proofs Online album

Nice ideas Michael
Michael-5) Export all groups as pngs. Choose an output directory, and every top level object would get output as a png to that directory. By top level object, I mean a single object if it's not in a group, or a group of objects, but not entering into groups to export their individual components.
FYI, the 5th is already existing, but written in python. It is available here : http://www.le-radar.com/?articles/inkscape_G2Pngs.html.
Aaron already mentionned to add it the project, but mau be some other works need to be done on it.

On Sun, 3 Sep 2006, Michael Moore wrote:
I challenge other people on the list to stir up 5 more extension ideas of your own and post them, then we can take them and add to the wiki (but hopefully we will inspire development of them by doing this)...
I'll see if I can get 5 :-)
Michael-1) I'm imagining this as an imagemagick extension, so I'll put these together. I'd like an export that will let me specify a bg color for the png, or let me export to bmp, jpg or anything else imagemagick supports.
Imagemagick support would be great since it supports so many formats but I think formats like PNG and JPEG really should be supported directly through gdkpixbuf to make sure they work on all platforms. Also imagemagick is relatively big unless you are assuming users already have it installed.
Michael-3) Decorative border adder
Taking a pattern and using to generate a frame could be very interesting.
Michael-4) Color Scheme palette generator. Generate a web color palette with complimenting and contrasting colors based on the currently chosen color. Similar to how this page does: http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html
Took me a while to find it (and make sure it was included in the Wiki once and for all) but Agave, formerly Gnome Color Scheme does what you need. http://home.gna.org/colorscheme/
I do hope more useful smaller tools like this will spring up and ease up the pressure on Inkscape to include everything by default.
Michael-5) Export all groups as pngs.
Good idea, especially since this would also give you "Save all Layers".
Alan Horkan
Inkscape http://inkscape.org Abiword http://www.abisource.com Open Clip Art http://OpenClipArt.org
Alan's Diary http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/
participants (3)
Alan Horkan
cedric GEMY
Michael Moore