Someone on #gnome-hackers pointed me that you will probably have a student working on gdl to split it out again as a library. While I really appreciate that work I would be even more happy if you could contribute this work upstream. Also gdl spent a rather unmaintained time development seems to speed up again now, mostly based on the work of Joel Halsworth from the Lumiera fame (www.lumiera.org). Patches and documentation improvements landed in trunk in the past weeks.
I would like to avoid duplicated work here. Of course the ultimate long-time goal remains to push gdl to gtk+ but before it would be great if all project using it would use the version that ships with GNOME and constribute to this. This will save work for all of us and lead to a better result.
Thanks a lot, Johannes (the quasi gdl maintainer)
P.S: I am not subscribed to that list so please CC me.
participants (1)
Johannes Schmid