Probably the thing we should do is just list all the available formats in the glossary.
So in the Chapter we mention just the common formats and just leave all the others to the Glossary Only?
Yeah, that's what I have in mind.
All we need to do is decide on which formats are well used. Personally I have only ever used svg, png and pdf for saving/exporting and svg, png, jpg, tiff and gif for loading/importing.
How's this list:
svg (all variations could be mentioned in one spot)
pdf xaml (is this available in any windows installation?)
xaml is available in my std windows install for both open and save.
Ok, it's important to have this, then, especially as designers on Win may use this for Win theming, etc.
png bmp jpg tiff ps and eps dxf (seems to be pretty commonly used with cutters) xcf (gimp native format, definitely important)
xcf seems to be available only to linux in the std installs.
Whether this is true or not, it's still important to speak of it, seeing as it's a very important export format in the FLOSS world.
I think the rest are uncommon enough as to be incidental, and most of these are, I believe, available with a standard installation. We'll just have to weed out those that aren't.
he only other file type ive used is gif but unless your dealing with animated gifs for a web page they seem pretty uncommon these days. What about the zip option for saving, it is available in both win and linux.
Wonder how I missed gif...we should definitely have him too, since gif is still rather relevant.
Unfortunately I can't comment on the OSX version of Inkscape as my iMacs Hardrive burnt out just before christmas. Is there anyone who can confirm if these common formats are found on the std osx install?
I think the important thing is not so much commonality between OSes as commonality of usage. Some things will be common only to certain types of use (such as xaml or pdf) and certain platforms, but where they are used/available they are still "common".
Any additions / comments to this list?