Hi Friends, Having finally learned how to use the Scale setting and change units for version 0.92, I wanted to make a new FAQ for it. But I can only edit the "answers" section of the page. I can't figure out how to edit the top part, where the "questions" are.
I tried switching from Content to Structure, in case the page was divided into 2 sections (like it once was in the past). But no luck.
By right-clicking on the title of the toc, I found a box to edit the toc, but it only lets me edit the title. I would need to add a new item.
Even if I look at the Source, it only references a toc id "259261". The "questions" don't even appear in the source! I think I just don't have the right kind of access.
Shall I just write the contents that I want to add, and send them to someone who can add them?
Thank you very much, brynn