Hi Michael,
thank you for joining us here!
It's a good combination that you have skills in both technical writing and in Inkscape :) Your help is very welcome, with any of the chapters (preferably those whose images have already been fixed).
Re-reading them lately, I found a lot of places where I now think they could be phrased better, or even the approach could be changed a bit, to make it easier for the readers.
I've used these last days since you first offered your help to prepare the sample chapter so it's going to be more helpful, to update all those README files, and to get some basic formatting in, so you'll be better able to see where we're going with the guide.
I'm currently going through the chapters alphabetically (see changelog/progress here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-docs/manuals/commits/setup_rtd) to have them well formatted.
At the moment, my focus is on images. After that, I would like to put the first version online officially. In between, when I notice something that I find could be better in the logical structure of the guide, I try to improve that.
Changes are happening at a fast pace currently. All changes that are in the changelog linked above also made it to https://inkscape-manuals.readthedocs.io (automatically).
In order to find a good workflow for you, I'd like to know a bit about your toolset:
Are you familiar with any of the technical tools that are used for the manual? (git / gitlab, reStructured Text, Sphinx, LaTeX, readthedocs)
What operating system are you using?
How would you like to suggest changes? Would you rather like to work on the source files directly, or maybe do you prefer copy-pasting your suggestions into one of those 'issues' on gitlab?
Would you prefer if we didn't use the alphabetical order, but rather the chapter order, for working through the guide?
Let me know what you think, Kind Regards, Maren
Am 25.10.18 um 12:48 schrieb Michael Glascott:
Hi all.
I had suggested updates for the old doc on Floss Manuals and Maren let me know about the new project.
I’m a technical writer and have been using Inkscape more and more recently.
I see there are a number of open proofreading issues, I could certainly help with these but if there are higher priorities, let me know.
I’ve glanced at the new manual, I’ll take a more in-depth look to familiarise myself with the style/layout etc.
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