On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 10:05:30AM +0700, Rania Amina wrote:
Hi, there! I'm Rania Amina, Inkscape user from Indonesia. Via this email, i wanna to inform about our community named Gimpscape ID. This community has focus on design by using open source software such as Inkscape, Gimp, Krita, etc. We active in Telegram [https://t.me/gimpscape]. We also have website [ gimpscape.org] to accomodate tutorial, news, and artwork that created by our member every day.
Hope our community can be included in Inkscape.org page. Thanks a lot.
Rania Amina
Hi Rania!
At the Inkscape Hackfest it was brought up that there is a very active and healthy community in Indonesia, and we really wanted to get in contact with you, so I am really happy you've joined us here!
Adding a link to your website from ours is certainly doable - I've added you to the Community > Around the Internet page.
But I wonder if there's other things we can do to tie Indonesia into the larger community more strongly? Can you tell us more about your group and its activities? Do you get together in person very often? How do the community members use Inkscape, and do any of you tinker with code? Do members participate in the official (English) irc/mailinglists/forums/facebook/etc.? Would it be beneficial for the community to have official Inkscape Indonesian-language discussion channels?
Thanks again for connecting, looking forward to more discussion.