2010/3/19 Nicolas Dufour <nicoduf@...28...>
Hi Elisa,

>De : Elisa Godoy de Castro Guerra <elisa.dcg@...2...>
>I'm come back into this ML.
>So before LGM, can we do a little booksprint about Inkscape or another free grahics software ?

Maybe not a real booksprint, but a general 0.48 update and cleanup as Joshua suggested a few days ago.
(see http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=733f2c731003120612q8efbc1due1bb5ab13c9c498%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=inkscape-docs).

There are lots of things to do on the French translation too. Would you be willing to help improving it before LGM?

yep ok...i just have to creat another login for me. I have no more admin access to floss manual. But you, Nicolas, keep with admin access. It's better ^^.
