Hi Maren,
Yes, I am referring to the html documentation; specifically the 'tutorial.html and 'examples.html' pages. The viewBox... extension files, together with the readMe file will be downloadable. The structure that I have made, seems to work OK, and I would like to keep links in the readMe.html file for the example.html and tutorial.html pages, so ideally these pages need to be hosted, but not by me.
I have considered building a local structure, and adding the said supporting docs to the zip file. Indeed, this had been my initial approach, but as the supporting documentation grew, I began to have doubts, and to ask, why do it this way? Including them in the zip file would no doubt 'work', but it is not the approach that I would like to take.
Further, why should anyone have, or want to download files that a) they may not want, and/or b) simply in order to access, and/or peruse them? I am not against anyone downloading them per-se (e.g. if they chose to do so) and, I am less worried about users breaking any relative links. I guess, I am simply not intending the supporting documents to be downloadable.
I don't think requesting more space is an answer.
Thanks for considering matters.
Kind regards.