Thanks Sylvain, I thought that was for the link in the bottom-right area of the image page. For example, this one: https://inkscape.org/en/~Neon22/%E2%98%85lasercut-tabbed-box has an external link in the bottom-right area, but when you click on the image, it's a link to a zip file (download).
TA :-)
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Sylvain Chiron" <chironsylvain@...102...> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 7:28 AM To: "Brynn" <brynn@...78...> Cc: "Inkscape Docs" inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-docs] full size image/outside link
Le 03/09/2016 à 12:31, Brynn a écrit :
How did he make the outside link, when you click on the image?
Using the External Link field? https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/upload/ -- Sylvain