On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 03:55:19PM +0200, Maren Hachmann wrote:
Am 28.04.2015 um 23:34 schrieb Bryce Harrington:
Is there any additional info I should include?
We also wondered if there were other resources or other information that would be worth adding to the getting-started page that would help newcomers. Perhaps someone that has come onboard relatively recently could review it and suggest useful information to add.
- Is there anybody specific I could ask? Seems that a general shoutout
to the dev's mailing list is not a successful road.
A trick I've used successfully in the past is to watch the IRC channel or mailing list for someone asking a lot of basic dev questions, and/or complaining about the lack of intro user documentation, and then pounce on them. :-)
Another approach with this particular document is to identify some of the questions we don't currently answer adequately, and pose them to the existing developers, and capture their answers. If you find someone who is particularly helpful at answering questions, then kindly ask them to also proofread the existing docs and identify things that are no longer current.
In general, often the problem is the people who have the time and interest in writing these docs don't know enough to be comfortable volunteering to write them. And those who do know the info, no longer need the docs, and are more interested in putting their knowledge to use. But if you can find some way to pit one off against the other, useful docs can often be emitted as a byproduct.