Hi Everyone, These pages have basically the same content as before, but just rearranged, so that the page structure mirrors the sub-menu structure (or vice versa). Of course, since I started them on staging, AND started before we discussed always using the django plugin for making links, I'll have to fix all the links once I transfer the content (from staging to live). (partly off topic, but using the link plugins will put a kink in the process of using the staging site to make drafts of pages, like I have, for the several pages I've worked on)
Anyway, if you'd like to review that I got everything right, and didn't forget anything.....
Here is new Contribute: http://staging.inkscape.org/en/brynns-contribute/?edit_off, and
Here is new Develop: http://staging.inkscape.org/en/brynnsdev/?edit_off.
Here's my plan: -- transfer the content, from staging to live pages -- fix all the links -- publish -- move Bug Management sub-menu item to the bottom
If we ever get guides for writing documentation and/or extensions, those would go below Bug Mgmt, at least for the time being. I do realize that larger changes may be on the way, if Matthew's structure is adopted. But at least for now, this will be a little improvement. (Also partly off topic -- if Matthew's structure is adopted, which removes 1 whole main menu item and sub-menu, maybe the Gallery could go into the main menu? Maybe it's just me, but I think the Gallery needs top billing :-) ) Ok then. Please let me know if any changes are needed to these pages, and when I can go ahead with the transfer.
All best, brynn