We're about to enter a busy period for the board. We've got the hackfest coming up, a new charter to decide on and document, a board election to hold, and more. I'm finding myself to be a bit of a bottleneck for proceeding on these items - partly due to a need to ensure everything's properly documented.
At Martin Owen's suggestion, I'd like to ask for a volunteer to help me out with various documentarian tasks, such as:
* posting news items to the website about board activities * formatting documents into HTML for the website * uploading PDF documents to the website * ensure meeting minutes are posted * drafting vote proposals * copyediting
You'll be working closely with me. I don't think it is going to require a huge time commitment - perhaps several hours a week - but I do need someone I can hand stuff off to and rely on to ensure it gets done.
In particular, you'll be helping me build out the Governance area of our main website (under the About menu), with various legal documents, policies, procedures, financial docs, meeting minutes, and so on.
If you're interested, please contact me off list.
Thanks, Bryce