The plug-in links in Contribute on live are already ready,
Ok, yes, good idea. For Contribute, I can just make the few changes using the editor, and not transfer the whole content.
- "Review and Verify Existing Bug Reports" (and the link in the text)
should link to 'Bug Management' in the Dev section, not to 'Report Bugs'.
Hhmmm..... This content came originally from the old faq. But I see what you mean. I'll change it.
- The 'Translations' section title should link to the translations page.
Yes, I changed that, because there are 2 links in the Translations section -- 1 for translating the website, and 1 for translating the program. What about arranging it like the Bugs section just above -- with 2 bullets? Then each bullet title/heading could be a link?
- The first sentence 'Working on Inkscape's code base requires
knowledge of C++ and Gtk development.' could maybe better be placed inside the next sentence ('If you're a coder/programmer and have some knowledge of C++ and / or Gtk development...") - this sounds less technical and friendlier for a first sentence ;)
Yes, that sounds much better. I'll change.
- Would it make sense to order the sections on that page by difficulty?
- from easy to hard:
It's currently arranged from easy to hard. But I thought it made more sense to arrange it from most important to less important (or greatest need, to lesser need -- since the page is more or less about asking for help). That's basically how I arranged Contribute page. Although it's quite possible that I don't have a clear understanding.
Documentation (would also fit well into 'Contribute', I think, as no coding or knowledge of internal program structure is needed)
I gave that a good deal of thought, and almost sent a message about it. I think it depends on what kind of documentation, as to how much knowledge of coding/programming is needed to write it. For example, I could write a tutorial about basic or even intermediate tools/features. But if called on to write a section of the manual about a new tool, for example, or a wiki article, I would not be able to do that. I would need to understand more how the tool or program actually works. This is another case where such a fine line divides contributing and developing. But until there actually is a guide, for people like me, mostly only developers know how to write official documentation anyway.
Yes, I'll put the formatting back to left justified. Although I think that makes it so much harder to read, and probably deters a lot of people from reading any of it (the all left justified text). I really would like to see, or at least discuss doing this in the near future, if possible.
Thanks for looking it over, Maren :-)
All best, brynn
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Maren Hachmann" <maren@...68...> Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 6:36 AM To: "Brynn" <brynn@...78...>; inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: new Contribute and Develop pages ready
Hi Brynn,
Here is new Contribute:
http://staging.inkscape.org/en/brynns-contribute/?edit_off, and
- I compared it to the current contribute page on live - and I must
admit, that I like the one on live more, because it more directly talks to the user and sounds more inclusive... But I guess it would be good to move the long texts about development into the development section - they are nice, and it's good that you kept them ;)
The plugin links in Contribute on live are already ready, you won't have to change much, only selectively copy some text over / remove some text. I thought that page had already been finished... as you had already added the new links to the extensions texts in the wiki and such on Jan. 12th...
- "Review and Verify Existing Bug Reports" (and the link in the text)
should link to 'Bug Management' in the Dev section, not to 'Report Bugs'.
- The 'Translations' section title should link to the translations page.
Here is new Develop: http://staging.inkscape.org/en/brynnsdev/?edit_off.
- The first sentence 'Working on Inkscape's code base requires
knowlege of C++ and Gtk development.' could maybe better be placed inside the next sentence ('If you're a coder/programmer and have some knowlege of C++ and / or Gtk development...") - this sounds less technical and friendlier for a first sentence ;)
- Would it make sense to order the sections on that page by difficulty?
- from easy to hard:
Documentation (would also fit well into 'Contribute', I think, as no coding or knowledge of internal program structure is needed) -> Bug Management -> Extensions -> Core ; Packaging is somehow 'extra'.
- It's nice that you enlarged the font size and added indentation for
better readability, but currently this will make things look inconsistent on live - we'll better do that in the site's css generally for all pages, than have some pages with larger and some with smaller font and some with and some without indentation.
Here's my plan: -- transfer the content, from staging to live pages
- You won't need to copy the pages over as you usually do,
copy-pasting the html source. Better copy the sentences you want to add over from the 'real' page, and then remove what you want to be removed, to keep the plugin links that are already there and to keep the current styling.
-- fix all the links
- not all, fortunately ;)
-- publish -- move Bug Management sub-menu item to the bottom
- Sounds good ;)
Regards, Maren
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