You cam create a branch with got checkout -b chapter2 and try to push, got say wrong and inform correct order to create the new remote branch. Once apply you get a link on console to go to create a Mr. If have issues try to get live support in team devel in chat.inkscape.org' Regards
El 22 de octubre de 2023 16:17:57 CEST, David Milkes david.m.milkes@gmail.com escribió:
I recently made a merge request for changes to the Beginners' Guide intro chapter. I'm making changes to the next chapter and committing them, but I want them to go to a separate merge, because Maren wants a separate MR per chapter. I don't see how that's possible. Can I have multiple MRs or do I have to wait for you to approve the existing one?
-- *David Milkes - Technical Communications*
*917-797-0011* *See my LinkedIn profile* http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmilkestechcomm