Hi Roy,
I really have difficulties to read your tutorials because it uses no stylesheet. Especially it has no width limit, while my screen uses a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels so it makes the tutorial hard to read.
For example you can use Bootstrap, a very famous (quite standard) framework for web styling. Instructions:
(1) Open this page: http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/ Pick the <link> tag just under ‘Latest compiled and minified CSS’, and put it in the <head> of your pages to use the Bootstrap stylesheet.
(2) Add class="container" to your <body> so that its width gets limited.
I am also noticing that your semantics are rather weird… E.g. you’re using <aside>, which is for lateral panels on web interfaces (and you don’t have any). Futhermore I don’t really understand why you use <div> or <section>.
Thanks for the work,
Le 13/04/2017 à 07:29, bandura1@...114... a écrit :
Hello Everybody in the Inkscape Multiverse, I uploaded Inkscape tutorial #7 to my project website. It covers transforming objects. I focus a significant amount of attention on the Perspective function. It's a feature with its own personality. You can find the tutorial through:
There are a few files you can download and play with. I hope you get good value of them.
Best wishes to all,