Maren & other docs folks,
This sounds like it is a GSoC equivalent but for documentation. Would one of you mind joining in the discussions at the time and place mentioned below and scope out if it'd be of value for Inkscape to do?
----- Forwarded message from Deb Nicholson <deb@...186...> -----
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 17:27:46 -0400 From: Deb Nicholson <deb@...186...> To: project-reps@...186... Subject: 3/27, IRC help for applying to Season of the Docs
Hi all, Google has a new program (https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/ ) that is pairing technical writers with open source projects. Andrew Chen, one of the orgnizers for Season of the Docs, has generously agreed to offer their help, advice and expertise to Conservancy projectss who are interested in applying as a mentoring organization.
Swing by Conservancy's IRC channel, #conservancy on freenode.net at 2pm Eastern time (aka New York Time, currently GMT -4) on Wednesday, March 27th.
If you have not used IRC before, don't worry! You can access it via any web browser. Click here, https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23conservancy
Then you'll just choose a nickname and you're ready to go!
See you next Wednesday! Deb