I removed the chapters marked 'incomplete' from the index. This included the following chapters: Render (Effects Menu) Generate from path Visualize Path Tile Clone Boolean Path Operations Rows and Columns Grids and Guides Transform Color ALL bitmap chapters XML Editor View Modes Document Properties Customisation Glosaary Hot keys cheat sheet Inkscape Community Inkscape and Wikipedia
You can see it all here: http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/Inkscape/WebHome
I have also renamed index items as they had explanations in the titles. The FM index system at this time cant display this well so we need to keep titles short. Even though I removed a lot the index is still thorough. If anyone can go through the chapters with me and check things we can have a version online within a few days. I really think we need to do this as otherwise all that good work will be out of date and never used.
Anyone want to chip in?