Hi Friends, I think I probably know how the community leans on this. But since it bothers me so much, and happens so often, I thought it was worth not assuming the answer, and finding out for sure.
A few months ago, we decided not to allow random photos in the gallery, which are unrelated to the project in any way. We also decided not to bother with copyright issues. (long discussion - https://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/message/35798617/)
Probably equally as often as random photos being uploaded, are images which *could have been made with Inkscape* but which I doubt were. So far, I've been letting these go through. But as I said, I wanted to have a discussion, rather than assume.
Here are a couple of recent examples:
-- 2 images, 1 resource and 1 thumbnail -- https://inkscape.org/en/~noahgabe@...172.../%E2%98%85music
-- https://inkscape.org/en/~KristiBryant113/%E2%98%85jesus-saves-the-world2 (I did a little research on this one, and found it at many different sites (many on different sites selling tshirts, as well as just web images) with the same basic image (and this exact image here: https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--rVeDm8Gt--/t_Preview/b...) -- so I'm pretty sure it wasn't made with Inkscape)
To me, all of those /could have been/ made with Inkscape. But I have reasons to doubt all of them. How do you all think they should be handled? I think they should be handled similarly to random photos (contact the member, explain and link to CoC, ask to explain the relation to Inkscape, ask if they would like to remove, inform after 2 weeks we will do it, of course with graciousness. Or do we let them have the benefit of our doubt?
I honestly don't understand why people go around posting random images (apparently, afaict) in random galleries, once or twice, and never come back. (I have the same curiosity about people who post 1 or 2 frivolous, sometimes meaningless messages in forums and never return.) But it seems worth the effort not to waste our limited resource on hosting these things.
Anyway, thanks for any thoughts or comments :-)
All best, brynn