You're the bomb (as they say - it actually means some sort of combo drug, but I don't thing you're a drug ;).
I think this is a great start.
Some further questions we need to consider are:
- Do the chapters need to be a particular length (Adam)?
As for the issue of media, I think we should be concentrating on digital for the moment, getting something that makes sense for use online and download (including distribution with the software). I like the idea of using a simple type of chapter, though I could see a possibility to make use of sub-headings. However, I'm sure we can avoid them if we try hard ;)
After quick glance at your list of chapters, it looks fairly complete and well-thought-out. Fortunately, we don't have to worry about organization at the moment, just getting all of the important content in, since we can organize it however we like later.
I think if we can settle on a rough list of chapters soon, we can get some of the current content into them and start from there, thus saving a lot of work later that can be spent on other things.
Elisa-yemanja wrote:
Hello all,
I think it's time to speak about our futur work to made on booksprint. It's better arrived and know a little about what exactly we will do.
We know, it's for write an english manual of user for Inkscape. If we can write a french manual, too, it's an side effect positiv, but it's not more my goal.
After, i can translate it.
Fist of all, i thought we have already a TOC. But with my little experience of author, i think this TOC, (very good also) isn't perfect.
Floss Manual advice :
- only use one Heading One (h1) for the chapter, at the top of the page
(and other : * bold technical terms when first used
- explain every step, and include clear screen shots for every step
- explain all jargon 'inline'
- make no references to chapters before or after )
Google need : 40 chapters
One H1 for chapter => other organisation of the TOC. Actually our official TOC have Part, H1, H2, H3....
Furthemore i have see, with the same content, the organization change for each goal.
What it make for me a little confusion is : The main goal is write a paper book or an online manual ?
For me the way to write change a little... Less details on online manual. Short strings and not attention to construct a linear read. Clic in internet is the king. Etc. Print manual : organization of the chapter one after one ; why not creat quick box (like "Be carful", or "HotKeys most used" etc ; I don't know why, but paper editor love them. Maye it was for a good things. Etc.
Paper book or online manual, we can organize the same TOC, the same of the kind of organization about our chapter.
Here my proposal of a TOC. Be careful it was not "in order" (french expression). It's a Twiki, so we don't care if we don't do chapter in order.
= chapter
Interface and vocabulary
Rectangle tool
Circle tool
Star tool
3Dbox tol
Pen tool
Bezier tool
Calligraphic tool
Trace bitmap
Menu Path
Text tool
Gris, Guides, Snapping
Ikscape and Wikimedia
Color and Style
Tile Clone
Spiral tool
Node tool
Selector tool
Gradient tool
Eraser tool
Align and Distribute
Personnaliser son Inkscape
Propriétés du document
Effects - color
Effects - rendu
Effects - Modifier le chemin
Effects - Image Raster
Effects - Visualisation du chemin
Effets - Générer chemin
Effects - Générer modèle
Effects - Images
Proposition of organization for each chapter :
- Chapter example of one tool
Introduction (why to use, purpose of this functionnality) How to use Hotkeys Tips
Other example :
- Color and Style
Introduction Stroke Fill How to use Markers Creat his own markers Hotkeys Tips
etc. I have already think in each organization of each chapter. But this mail is very long.
I can develop more after yours comments.