The current system makes spam a real bore for admins.
I propose a new gallery system. A static site for displaying images (no need for user-accounts)
The moderation system is used to verify pictures. They are then approved. Then we have a manual (or automated) build system that adds the pics.
We can then ask people to provide more info when submitting pics. In the case of blanks we wonder if spam or other format or what.
The moderation system becomes then a verifying system, giving mods some work to do.
Currently, i tried few times checking in the past but lightning fast brynn always has already marked wrong ones. My duty is then to vote. Not enough work to do i think is the reason mods sleep.
The rate of submission is also not so high.
(btw check out JamStack)
Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer https://github.com/Abdur-rahmaanJ Mauritius