Thank you, Martin.
I've created new categories for those with an X in front of them now:
- attributes (not really sure what it's for, something about conversion to css...) - examples (-> Artwork) X filters - gradients (do people share their gradients?) X keys X palettes - screens (-> Artwork) X templates - ui (making changes here doesn't work for me, files appear to be used at compile time :/) - branding (exists) - extensions (exists) - fonts (not sure what it's for - empty folder, and fonts are saved somewhere else) X icons X markers X patterns X symbols - tutorials (exists)
(btw. can anyone explain why this is so inconsistent: For markers, it appears as if files saved in my personal config directory were ignored, and changes can only be applied system-wide (or maybe I was doing it the wrong way?), while for templates, palettes and icons, user-specific files are possible. Other directories are empty, and making changes in others doesn't have any effect.)
What about the acceptable licences for all of these? I've set them to GPL2 + 3, LPGL2+3, AGPL3 right now, as it is for the extensions.
Could we also accept CC-By-SA and PD / CC0 for the new categories?
Regards, Maren
This makes a lot of sense. I think we can state as policy that a directory in inkscape's share folder/config folder would be a candidate for it's own inkscape.org category.