Hi Friends,
Back about 5 years ago, when Martin started to develop what we've come to know as the modern day Inkscape website, I transferred what I thought was worthy info from the old wiki, and that became the current Around the Internet page (https://inkscape.org/community/inkscape-around-internet/).%C2%A0 It was worthy at that time, because the gallery had not been launched quite yet.
Because it's 100% 3rd party links, in a bargain to allow the page onto the website, (which does not want 3rd party links) I volunteered to keep it up to date. At the time, we regularly had users contacting us to list their sites there. And of course links would go dead from time to time too.
I've just started the process to update it again, and I realize that we have not had a single request in the last couple of years, from someone to list their site there. And I see sites that once has a couple dozen images, which now have just a couple. And a few of those sites are about to be completely deleted (dead links).
I'm thinking that the usefulness of this page - which was to show users what Inkscape can do - has outlived it's purpose. Now we have the gallery, where users can not just upload their images, but link to their own images, and as well do the same in their profile.
So I want to propose deleting that page (or moving it into some kind of hidden historical area, if outright deleting it doesn't seem right).
And at the same time, I want renew the discussion about starting a new website feature, where users can either themselves make a little article explaining and showing about their project where they've used Inkscape (or else a website editor could interview them, and write it up for them). I think it would only take one article to get the ball rolling, and start to attract other users to participate.
Since I'm resigning as a moderator, I'll have enough time to be a contact person for such a new feature.
Under the heading of "changes on the website", the new Tutorials page is almost ready. For those who have edit access on the website, you can preview it here. https://inkscape.org/tutorials-proposed.%C2%A0 It will replace the current Tutorials page. And the Video Tutorials page will be deleted, since this new page has both kinds.
Comments welcome on any of this!
All best,