Hello all,
I think it's time to speak about our futur work to made on booksprint. It's better arrived and know a little about what exactly we will do.
We know, it's for write an english manual of user for Inkscape. If we can write a french manual, too, it's an side effect positiv, but it's not more my goal.
After, i can translate it.
Fist of all, i thought we have already a TOC. But with my little experience of author, i think this TOC, (very good also) isn't perfect.
Floss Manual advice : * only use one Heading One (h1) for the chapter, at the top of the page
(and other : * bold technical terms when first used * explain every step, and include clear screen shots for every step * explain all jargon 'inline' * make no references to chapters before or after )
Google need : 40 chapters
One H1 for chapter => other organisation of the TOC. Actually our official TOC have Part, H1, H2, H3....
Furthemore i have see, with the same content, the organization change for each goal.
What it make for me a little confusion is : The main goal is write a paper book or an online manual ?
For me the way to write change a little... Less details on online manual. Short strings and not attention to construct a linear read. Clic in internet is the king. Etc. Print manual : organization of the chapter one after one ; why not creat quick box (like "Be carful", or "HotKeys most used" etc ; I don't know why, but paper editor love them. Maye it was for a good things. Etc.
Paper book or online manual, we can organize the same TOC, the same of the kind of organization about our chapter.
Here my proposal of a TOC. Be careful it was not "in order" (french expression). It's a Twiki, so we don't care if we don't do chapter in order.
* = chapter
* Interface and vocabulary * Rectangle tool * Circle tool * Star tool * 3Dbox tol * Pen tool * Bezier tool * Calligraphic tool * Layers * Trace bitmap * Menu Path * LPE * Text tool * Gris, Guides, Snapping * Ikscape and Wikimedia * SVG * Color and Style * Pattern * Tile Clone * Spiral tool * Node tool * Selector tool * Gradient tool * Filters * Eraser tool * Exportation * Importation * Save * Community * Align and Distribute * Personnaliser son Inkscape * XML * Propriétés du document * Effects - color * Effects - rendu * Effects - Modifier le chemin * Effects - Image Raster * Effects - Visualisation du chemin * Effets - Générer chemin * Effects - Générer modèle * Effects - Images * Print
Proposition of organization for each chapter : * Chapter example of one tool Introduction (why to use, purpose of this functionnality) How to use Hotkeys Tips
Other example : * Color and Style Introduction Stroke Fill How to use Markers Creat his own markers Hotkeys Tips
etc. I have already think in each organization of each chapter. But this mail is very long.
I can develop more after yours comments.