Hi moderators (and website developers and/or editors too), We have some awesome new features in the gallery, regarding moderation. Gone are the yellow "sheriff star" placeholders to indicate a hidden resource. Yay! With the amount of spam we've been getting lately, I would literally cringe to see a third or half page of yellow star images (when looking at Last Updated view). And no one will be seeing those, anymore!
Moderators will still see the hidden resources, but they have a dashed red outline around them, and highlighted very light pink. Non-moderators (regular members) will just see a beautiful gallery, with no hint of moderation activity. Perfect!
If a moderator needs to look at the resource (whether resource, thumbnail, or other) they can click on the resource and see the regular resource page. But now, it has a nice bold red label "Removed by Moderators", so there's no confusion.
Martin, would it be possible to have a similar label for flagged members? Just to prevent confusion? Or is the idea more about identifying hidden things, while members don't get hidden?
I'm not sure if all the moderators saw my last message on the Docs mailing list (because I didn't think to address it individually to moderators). We've been getting a type of spam called "flood spamming" where someone posts 4 or 5 (or more) spam images or comments at a time. A new wrinkle is they are pushing toll free phone numbers for fake support desk or customer service. Not much we can do except be vigilant, really. I just wanted to notifiy about this slight uptick in spam.
Thanks Martin for the improvements! And thanks for everyone's hard work and dedication to keeping the gallery clean and well-organized. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
All best, brynn