Hi Brynn,
- The 'Translations' section title should link to the
translations page.
Yes, I changed that, because there are 2 links in the Translations section -- 1 for translating the website, and 1 for translating the program. What about arranging it like the Bugs section just above -- with 2 bullets? Then each bullet title/heading could be a link?
- You could do that, I think. But it probably won't hurt to link to the Translations page itself, not just to subsections.
- Would it make sense to order the sections on that page by
difficulty? - - from easy to hard:
It's currently arranged from easy to hard. But I thought it made more sense to arrange it from most important to less important (or greatest need, to lesser need -- since the page is more or less about asking for help). That's basically how I arranged Contribute page. Although it's quite possible that I don't have a clear understanding.
- I have gotten the impression (and please, anyone here correct me) that there are many code contributors, but that there is a gap in the marketing / documentation staff...
But until there actually is a guide, for people like me, mostly only developers know how to write official documentation anyway.
- That's probably true. Or at least people who can translate developer-talk into normal-people-talk... Would you know right away what 'polar coordinates' are, and how use that feature?... 'Arrange along Arc' *could* have been a better label for that cool new feature...
Yes, I'll put the formatting back to left justified. Although I think that makes it so much harder to read, and probably deters a lot of people from reading any of it (the all left justified text). I really would like to see, or at least discuss doing this in the near future, if possible.
- I think there's a good chance for that with Hinerangi and Mathew on the team ;)
Thanks for looking it over, Maren :-)
- No problem, thanks for actually *doing* this ;)
Regards, Maren