Hi Brynn,
you chose the name 'brynn's gallery' yourself when you created that subgallery ;) Would you like me to change the name for that subgallery?
It's like a folder inside your main gallery (but the main gallery always shows every file, also those in the subgalleries).
Since it says "None" underneath the title, does that mean there is going to be a way to add a description?
The 'None' is indeed the empty description, which probably shouldn't show when there isn't one (fix committed).
Adding that description is currently not possible via the website (or rather, only possible if you have access to the admin interface).
In the future, will there be a way to change the title, such as change "brynn's gallery" to "brynn's artwork" (or whatever)?
Changing a gallery's name doesn't seem to be possible at the moment (at least not by just clicking around on the website).
We could make feature requests for those above two issues (summarized as 'Editing a gallery needs to be implemented'). I think it once was possible, but got lost...
Also that thumbnail doesn't have the correct proportions. It's distorted.
For the distorted thumbnail, we'd need a separate bug report.
How does it decide which image to use for the thumbnail? I think that's the first image I uploaded
- It will go through all the images you uploaded into that gallery and pick the first one that is published, yes. Admins can set an image explicitly. You could add that to the 'Editing a gallery' feature request.
And finally. It's not easy to find this page, and it seems like it should be more easily accessible. I don't understand why it goes from my profile (https://inkscape.org/en/~brynn/gallery/brynns-gallery/) where I have to click on "All Uploads" (https://inkscape.org/en/~brynn/gallery/). And then from there, click on "brynn's gallery" (https://inkscape.org/en/~brynn/gallery/brynns-gallery/). It seems like the Galleries menu (bottom-right of https://inkscape.org/en/~brynn/gallery/) should be on the profile page. The Media Category and License menus could go on brynn's gallery page (https://inkscape.org/en/~brynn/gallery/brynns-gallery/). I can see how it's helpful to have an "all uploads" page. But having to click through it, to find the gallery page (or pages), seems unnecessary. I think the galleries should be linked directly from the profile.
- How would you do that? (in terms of 'where would you like them to show up?) Can you make a mockup?
Thanks for the gallery usage feedback!
Kind Regards, Maren