Hi Friends, I'm seeing something on the Moderation Page which I don't understand. Regarding the item titled "Wensen en Grenzen" by member Koekiepoekie.
Look at kokiepokie profile. It shows no avatar, and 2 reported images - a thumbnail (pineapple) and resource is a b/w cartooon.
On Moderation Page are 3 items related to this -- the reported member (no avatar showing), "cool ananas" which is the b/w cartoon, and item titled "Wensen en Grenzen".
The "Wensen en Grenzen" item is showing a grayish-blue and rust colored abstract background with (I think) a puppy or some kind of cute baby animal in foreground.
Where is that blue puppy image, in the gallery? It seems they have somehow uploaded 3 image files for one resource. But I can't find where the blue puppy image is being displayed.
Thanks for your help :-) brynn