On 10/5/07, TiB wrote:
hi, i am tillmann from germany and i want to join your community. i want to try to help you in devoloping inkscape, but i think it would be better, if you say me, what kind of help is needed. something i imagined what to do is translating to german, writing manuals or helping on the website. i can not coding real programming-languages. i can code only html and php. so, please give me some ideas how to help, if you need help. tillmann
For 0.46 we will need to update original English content of tutorials and all translations including the one into German. This is one thing.
The next task is that we started working on user manual and when it's ready, someone will have to have a look how much of its existing german translation in inkscape-forum.de's wiki is ready "as is".
We are still missing a couple of basic tutorials, like the one for using masks and clipping paths.
Here are the pages of interest:
http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/TutorialUpdates-0.46 http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/UserManual
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Alexandre Prokoudine