I just changed inkscapeUTFfr.xml so that xml2po is happy with it. I had to change a lot of <para></para> or <para /> to <para>some text</para> (I used FIXME instead of "some text"), since xml2po doesn't seem to like such empty tags. (Not just paras, also terms and titles etc.)
Doing xmllint --valid --noout inkscapeUTFfr.xml still complains about some issues though.
Oh, and I also changed "<para >" to "<para>" for cosmetic reasons.
If you want to try creating a pot file youself, do:
xml2po --output=inkscape_user_manual_orig_fr.pot inkscapeUTFfr.xml
Cheers Colin

I've been playing around with xml2po and the pot file to see how it works. It will be really great to get to the point that we can use it in a sensible way.
I think the things that need to happen first, though, are getting a sensible TOC worked out and then populating an xml file with the new TOC, then copying over the existing contents into the correct places.
Elisa and I have been working on the Wiki page for the TOC. Can we work on getting a somewhat final TOC together? As soon as it's done, I'll be happy to put together the new xml skeleton so we can start adding the text. Then we can work on the content a lot more easily. (By the way, I've just checked out Gtranslator and Kbabel, both of which are very nice for doing the translations. I can't wait to get to put them to good use!)
However, if there is opposition do doing all this right now, please just tell me and I'll work on something different.
Colin Marquardt wrote:
I just changed inkscapeUTFfr.xml so that xml2po is happy with it. I had to change a lot of <para></para> or <para /> to <para>some text</para> (I used FIXME instead of "some text"), since xml2po doesn't seem to like such empty tags. (Not just paras, also terms and titles etc.)
Doing xmllint --valid --noout inkscapeUTFfr.xml still complains about some issues though.
Oh, and I also changed "<para >" to "<para>" for cosmetic reasons.
If you want to try creating a pot file youself, do:
xml2po --output=inkscape_user_manual_orig_fr.pot inkscapeUTFfr.xml
Cheers Colin
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Still grepping through log files to find problems? Stop. Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser. Download your FREE copy of Splunk now >> http://get.splunk.com/ _______________________________________________ Inkscape-docs mailing list Inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-docs

Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art <faceman@...1...> writes:
I think the things that need to happen first, though, are getting a sensible TOC worked out and then populating an xml file with the new TOC, then copying over the existing contents into the correct places.
However, if there is opposition do doing all this right now, please just tell me and I'll work on something different.
Not from my side. I was doing this so that you have a chance to get a feel for the po format etc. and can start with it as soon as the outline is ready. (You would then rename the pot file to en.po and start on that file.)
Cheers Colin

Colin Marquardt wrote:
Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art <faceman@...1...> writes:
I think the things that need to happen first, though, are getting a sensible TOC worked out and then populating an xml file with the new TOC, then copying over the existing contents into the correct places.
However, if there is opposition do doing all this right now, please just tell me and I'll work on something different.
Not from my side. I was doing this so that you have a chance to get a feel for the po format etc. and can start with it as soon as the outline is ready. (You would then rename the pot file to en.po and start on that file.)
Great! Thanks for helping me get started. I've made my first commits to svn today continuing some of that work, hopefully I didn't mess things up ;)
Alexandre, do you have a TOC yet that you can post to the wiki page for discussion and comparison? I'm excited to see what you have, and get things started. I'm ready to do the work!

On 10/19/07, Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art wrote:
Alexandre, do you have a TOC yet that you can post to the wiki page for discussion and comparison? I'm excited to see what you have, and get things started. I'm ready to do the work!
Here is the idea.
Documentation is usually written in three styles:
1) A reference, which is used for context-sensitive help: fire up a dialog, press F1 and then you see a window, where every dialog's option is explained.
2) A book that goes from basics (e.g. what is vector graphics, what is different about Inkscape in comparison to Adobe Illustrator/Corel DRAW/Xara Xtreme/etc.) to difficult subjects (e.g. creating a reliable color managed PDF oriented workflow)
3) A book that provides detailed hints, i.e. task-oriented approach, i.e. tutorials.
What we currently have is:
- a manual in form of a book by Tav (1); - a manual that seems to have both 1) and 2), by Kevin and Cedric and Elisa; - a number of tutorials (3).
I have a deep respect for Tav and I would like to avoid as much duplication of efforts as possible. At least at this stage of Inkscape's development.
My suggestion is to try following GIMP way in two directions:
1) Create a TOC that has elements of (1), but is more like (2) so that both context sensitive help (whenever we have it) and book-like representation make sense.
2) Investigate possibility to have this context-sensitive help that is really a must for a mature application (which Inkscape already is).
Now this might reveal a question, how tutorials would fit this model. What I'm thinking about is: tutorials should concentrate on practical use of Inkscape only and give only basic theory if any. Most background knowledge should come from the manual. Ideally, whenever a user reads a large chapter and wants to experiment, there should be a tutorial on the subject for him to give a number of advices and illustrations and a lot of place to practice.
As for the currently suggested outline (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/UserManualOutline), there I things I like and things I dislike.
Let's take toolbox. I disagree on grouping. This is a difficult thing to do and I don't claim to be a Absolutely Right Guy :) Why this is difficult: it's easy to separate most tools into three groups:
1) Drawing tools: rectangle, ellipse, 3D box, star, spiral, pencil, pen, callygraphic pen 2) Transformation tools: node tool, tweak tool 3) Color tools: bucket fill, gradient fill, eye-drop
But note three problems arising immediately:
1) Tweak tool has two modes that fit the 3rd group (color tools) 2) A number of tools can't be grouped: selector, zoom, text, connector, 3) Object->Transform... cries for inclusion into 2nd group :)))
How can we solve these 3 issues? Here is an idea.
1) Describe color related modes inside Tweak tool chapter, but reference those in Color tools section.
2a) Create a single chapter on selecting. Update corresponding tutorial to match most recent changes like touch selection and provide a couple of difficult real-life samples for users to practice using this feature, and link to this turorial from online reference.
2b) Create a single chapter on using Text tool.
2c) Create a chapter on navigating documents with subchapters for zooming and panning. Let panning be a virtual tool with many faces :)
2d) Create a separate chapter on Connector tool (or make it a Diagramming Tools chapter that describes Connector too only -- I don't like this approach though).
3) Describe Transformations dialog in chapter on handling objects and link to this chapter from Transformation Tools chapter.
Then we go to "Advanced Topics" and other sections. I'm not quite sure this is a good approach. Using Fill'n'Stroke dialog is by no means advanced topic ;-) and you can easily make up scenarios where oher part of advanced/supr advanced are required for not advanced use cases as well.
Here is my proposal. Inkscape already has a really well logically separated menu. We could just borrow from it. Then we would have something like this:
Basics (already outlined, needs some refinement)
Documents - Document properties - Creating templates - Metadata
Toolbox - Selector - Navigation tools - Drawing tools - Transformation tools - Color tools - Text - Connector
Objects - copying and pasting (+ styles) - transformations - grouping - cloning - whatever else
Layers - you know what we need here
Colors - fill'n'stroke - swatches - color management - link to gradient tool - probably "clean up defs"
Effects - modification effects - raster effects - Live Path Effects - SVG filters - creating new effects (i.e. Python scripts tutorial)
Setting up Inkscape (Preferences)
Additional help resources - everything from Help menu - copy of - mailing lists
Here is why I separate two setting up topic (documents and preferences) this way. We definitely want our users be productive and transparently teach them to work the right way. Starting with understanding concept of documents and templates would imply that reusing is a good thing and the right way to go from scratch. At the same time tuning Inkscape via Preferences dialog implies some actual experience.
This approach has its own weak sides (e.g. where Icon Preview and XML editor should go), feel free to annihilate it :)

You've put a large amount of thought and effort into this - thank you!
I really like what you've done. I had attempted to start with nothing and come up with a logical workflow outline, but you've done far more than that by addressing issues and problems you've been thinking about for a while.
I especially like the idea of making the manual available as a context-sensitive help file. I was considering the possibility, but in a different manner. I think this addresses it nicely.
Can you post this to the wiki (if you haven't already)? I think it's easier to review and comment if it's in a hierarchical format with some markup available for emphasis.
I'll try to get to it in the next couple of days when my head is a little clearer than right now.
Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On 10/19/07, Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art wrote:
Alexandre, do you have a TOC yet that you can post to the wiki page for discussion and comparison? I'm excited to see what you have, and get things started. I'm ready to do the work!
Here is the idea.
Documentation is usually written in three styles:
- A reference, which is used for context-sensitive help: fire up a
dialog, press F1 and then you see a window, where every dialog's option is explained.
- A book that goes from basics (e.g. what is vector graphics, what is
different about Inkscape in comparison to Adobe Illustrator/Corel DRAW/Xara Xtreme/etc.) to difficult subjects (e.g. creating a reliable color managed PDF oriented workflow)
- A book that provides detailed hints, i.e. task-oriented approach,
i.e. tutorials.
What we currently have is:
- a manual in form of a book by Tav (1);
- a manual that seems to have both 1) and 2), by Kevin and Cedric and Elisa;
- a number of tutorials (3).
I have a deep respect for Tav and I would like to avoid as much duplication of efforts as possible. At least at this stage of Inkscape's development.
My suggestion is to try following GIMP way in two directions:
- Create a TOC that has elements of (1), but is more like (2) so that
both context sensitive help (whenever we have it) and book-like representation make sense.
- Investigate possibility to have this context-sensitive help that is
really a must for a mature application (which Inkscape already is).
Now this might reveal a question, how tutorials would fit this model. What I'm thinking about is: tutorials should concentrate on practical use of Inkscape only and give only basic theory if any. Most background knowledge should come from the manual. Ideally, whenever a user reads a large chapter and wants to experiment, there should be a tutorial on the subject for him to give a number of advices and illustrations and a lot of place to practice.
As for the currently suggested outline (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/UserManualOutline), there I things I like and things I dislike.
Let's take toolbox. I disagree on grouping. This is a difficult thing to do and I don't claim to be a Absolutely Right Guy :) Why this is difficult: it's easy to separate most tools into three groups:
- Drawing tools: rectangle, ellipse, 3D box, star, spiral, pencil,
pen, callygraphic pen 2) Transformation tools: node tool, tweak tool 3) Color tools: bucket fill, gradient fill, eye-drop
But note three problems arising immediately:
- Tweak tool has two modes that fit the 3rd group (color tools)
- A number of tools can't be grouped: selector, zoom, text, connector,
- Object->Transform... cries for inclusion into 2nd group :)))
How can we solve these 3 issues? Here is an idea.
- Describe color related modes inside Tweak tool chapter, but
reference those in Color tools section.
2a) Create a single chapter on selecting. Update corresponding tutorial to match most recent changes like touch selection and provide a couple of difficult real-life samples for users to practice using this feature, and link to this turorial from online reference.
2b) Create a single chapter on using Text tool.
2c) Create a chapter on navigating documents with subchapters for zooming and panning. Let panning be a virtual tool with many faces :)
2d) Create a separate chapter on Connector tool (or make it a Diagramming Tools chapter that describes Connector too only -- I don't like this approach though).
- Describe Transformations dialog in chapter on handling objects and
link to this chapter from Transformation Tools chapter.
Then we go to "Advanced Topics" and other sections. I'm not quite sure this is a good approach. Using Fill'n'Stroke dialog is by no means advanced topic ;-) and you can easily make up scenarios where oher part of advanced/supr advanced are required for not advanced use cases as well.
Here is my proposal. Inkscape already has a really well logically separated menu. We could just borrow from it. Then we would have something like this:
Basics (already outlined, needs some refinement)
- Document properties
- Creating templates
- Metadata
- Selector
- Navigation tools
- Drawing tools
- Transformation tools
- Color tools
- Text
- Connector
- copying and pasting (+ styles)
- transformations
- grouping
- cloning
- whatever else
- you know what we need here
- fill'n'stroke
- swatches
- color management
- link to gradient tool
- probably "clean up defs"
- modification effects
- raster effects
- Live Path Effects
- SVG filters
- creating new effects (i.e. Python scripts tutorial)
Setting up Inkscape (Preferences)
Additional help resources
- everything from Help menu
- copy of
- mailing lists
Here is why I separate two setting up topic (documents and preferences) this way. We definitely want our users be productive and transparently teach them to work the right way. Starting with understanding concept of documents and templates would imply that reusing is a good thing and the right way to go from scratch. At the same time tuning Inkscape via Preferences dialog implies some actual experience.
This approach has its own weak sides (e.g. where Icon Preview and XML editor should go), feel free to annihilate it :)
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Still grepping through log files to find problems? Stop. Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser. Download your FREE copy of Splunk now >> http://get.splunk.com/ _______________________________________________ Inkscape-docs mailing list Inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-docs

Now this might reveal a question, how tutorials would fit this model. What I'm thinking about is: tutorials should concentrate on practical use of Inkscape only and give only basic theory if any. Most background knowledge should come from the manual. Ideally, whenever a user reads a large chapter and wants to experiment, there should be a tutorial on the subject for him to give a number of advices and illustrations and a lot of place to practice.
If I understand correctly, you mean tutorials should be a place for beginners who are fairly intuitive to get a quick start at working with the tools, or for advanced users to get a quick intro to a tool they don't know. But for people who have no or little clue, or want more in-depth knowledge, we'll give them the tutorial. (For example, if I want to learn the general idea of making stars, look @ tutorials; if I want to know all about polygons and how the different handles work, etc, by someone's explanation, look in the manual/help file).
I think that's a good separation.
As for the currently suggested outline (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/UserManualOutline), there I things I like and things I dislike.
Basics (already outlined, needs some refinement)
Do you mean you like what we've come up with (basically, a rearrangement of what already exists) for introduction to SVG, Inkscape and User Interface?
This approach has its own weak sides (e.g. where Icon Preview and XML editor should go), feel free to annihilate it :)
Maybe you should keep an "Advanced" section. Then you could put stuff there that wouldn't be needed for "regular use" (of course, "regular use" will be determined by the user and his needs, but we can determine what a general idea of regular use would be for most people, I'd guess :) In addition to the above, stuff like command line use could be put there.

On 10/18/07, Colin Marquardt wrote:
I just changed inkscapeUTFfr.xml so that xml2po is happy with it. I had to change a lot of <para></para> or <para /> to <para>some text</para> (I used FIXME instead of "some text"), since xml2po doesn't seem to like such empty tags. (Not just paras, also terms and titles etc.)
Doing xmllint --valid --noout inkscapeUTFfr.xml still complains about some issues though.
Issues are mostly fixed.
What is left to do:
- fix incorrect linkend that points to "grids: which doesn't exist - fix inproper placement of XML elements (e.g. one mediaobject is commented out in the first chapter)
Just look for "<!--" and see whether you can fix and reenable it ;-)

Thanks Colin,
<para > may have appear when we have removed lang attributes at split time.
xmllint complain fixed.
It will be time to split the file and switch it to po.
I'll need few days or may be this WE.

"radar.map35@...6..." <radar.map35@...6...> writes:
It will be time to split the file and switch it to po.
I'll need few days or may be this WE.
I won't be here over the weekend, but if you want to play with xml2po, going into .../inkscape_svn/doc_docbook/basic/ and playing with the targets from the Makefile there gives you the options etc. needed - if you do "make -n <target>", it prints what it would execute.
I'll fix and extend the Makefile in user_manual after the splitting is done (which will probably lead to some renaming/moving of files to make this automatic stuff easier, but I'll announce that here before).
Joshua, are you in IRC or the Jabber room sometimes? It's quicker to do some things in near-realtime there. We often have pygmee and yemanja and prokoudine there, and I'm cmarqu (mostly away from the keyboard, but I can read the backlog).
Cheers Colin

Colin Marquardt wrote:
I won't be here over the weekend, but if you want to play with xml2po, going into .../inkscape_svn/doc_docbook/basic/ and playing with the targets from the Makefile there gives you the options etc. needed - if you do "make -n <target>", it prints what it would execute.
I'll fix and extend the Makefile in user_manual after the splitting is done (which will probably lead to some renaming/moving of files to make this automatic stuff easier, but I'll announce that here before).
Joshua, are you in IRC or the Jabber room sometimes? It's quicker to do some things in near-realtime there. We often have pygmee and yemanja and prokoudine there, and I'm cmarqu (mostly away from the keyboard, but I can read the backlog).
Unfortunately, I'm not able to be on during the same time most of you are, except occasionally. Colin, where are you? I think someone mentioned that you're up later than the others?
However, if any of you plan on being on earlier or want to get me on jabber directly (faceman@...1...), I'd love to talk. Just let me know.
Cheers Colin

Joshua, i'm often on IRC (it seems my pidgin can't use jabber now).
i often stay until midnight to 02:00 (french time). My nick is pygmee

radar.map35@...6... wrote:
Joshua, i'm often on IRC (it seems my pidgin can't use jabber now).
i often stay until midnight to 02:00 (french time). My nick is pygmee
I'm about 5-7 hours different from you, and I work in the evenings (from 3-10), so it's difficult to be on at the same time as you are, unless you're on earlier (before 3 my time).
However, I'm usually off Lundi et Mardi, so I'll try to be around tomorrow if you guys are. What time zone(s) are all of you in, and when can I most likely find you on IRC the next 2 days. Maybe we can get some things hammered out.
An idea I had - I may be able to set up a jabber chat room somewhere (since gristle isn't really working well for a lot of people) that we could use for docs. Would that be welcome? I'll look into it tomorrow early, if it's something you would want.

Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art <faceman@...1...> writes:
An idea I had - I may be able to set up a jabber chat room somewhere (since gristle isn't really working well for a lot of people) that we could use for docs. Would that be welcome? I'll look into it tomorrow early, if it's something you would want.
I'd rather have an extra IRC room, since I can idle in IRC all day, but not so for Jabber.
Cheers Colin

Colin Marquardt wrote:
Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art <faceman@...1...> writes:
An idea I had - I may be able to set up a jabber chat room somewhere (since gristle isn't really working well for a lot of people) that we could use for docs. Would that be welcome? I'll look into it tomorrow early, if it's something you would want.
I'd rather have an extra IRC room, since I can idle in IRC all day, but not so for Jabber.
Cheers Colin
That would be fine. Anyone know who to request this of on gristle? It would make sense to keep it at the same place but on a different channel).
participants (5)
Alexandre Prokoudine
Colin Marquardt
Joshua Facemyer
Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art