Thank you! Maren
Am 13.05.24 um 16:03 schrieb Yuri Chornoivan:
понеділок, 13 травня 2024 р. 01:20:20 EEST Maren Hachmann написано:
Hi Yuri,
you can definitely make a merge request that fixes things.
I cannot promise whether it will be merged before or after 1.4.0 is released, but it's better to have it available (even if for 1.4.1) than losing the info!
Am 12.05.24 um 16:16 schrieb Yuri Chornoivan:
четвер, 9 травня 2024 р. 16:53:54 EEST Maren Hachmann написано:
Hi everyone!
The last big changes to strings for Inkscape 1.4 have just been merged (May 5 and today - I've done a big cleanup of hard-to-understand, unnecessary or broken strings, and we've worked on the Help menu).
From now on, you can expect strings for 1.4.x to be mostly stable, and
only small changes to be made, if any, before the release.
There is one bug here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inbox/-/issues/10324, which, if fixed, would potentially invalidate a huge number of tooltip / action strings. I made a note there to better postpone that fix to Inkscape 1.4.1.
So, those of you who have already started translating, please update your po files - and everyone else, you can now grab the po files for 1.4.x and start the work!
Latest ones from today available here:
Place to always find the latest ones for 1.4.x: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/pipelines?page=1&scope=all&re... .x
(on the right, click on download icon, then choose translations archive)
Thank you all very much and happy translating!
Many thanks for the notice.
It might be too late but is it possible to fix wrong c-formatting of the strings in ../src/live_effects/lpe-ruler.cpp:44 and 45?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Best regards, Yuri
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